Tradition has it that working with the phases of the Moon in either drawing or rejecting work has been a belief of many cultures for centuries. The idea of lighting candles for goodness to come like Attraction, Money Drawing, Success and Love candles during the New Moon is something that many candle burning adherents look forward to doings. Also, the idea of rejecting or ‘banishing’ negative things like enemies, bad habits, and envy or jealousy, is why many participate in a rituals with candles to release themselves of these negative energies. Many still believe of the power of the energy of the Moon today.

For those of you who like to work with the energy of the Moon and I have posted the Moon Cycle chart for 2016 here:

New Moon                                                                             Full Moon

Jan 10 – Capricorn                                                                  Jan 24 –  Leo

Feb 8 – Aquarius                                                                     Feb 22 – Leo

Mar 9 – Pisces                                                                          Mar 23 – Libra

Apr 7 – Aries                                                                             Apr 22 – Scorpio

May 6 –  Taurus                                                                        May 21 – Scorpio

June 5 –  Gemini                                                                       June 20 – Sagittarius

July 4 –  Cancer                                                                         July 19 – Capricorn

Aug 2 –  Leo                                                                                Aug 18 – Aquarius

Sept 1 –  Virgo                                                                             Sept 16 – Pisces

Oct 1 –  Libra                                                                               Oct 16 – Aries

Oct 30 –  Scorpio                                                                        Nov 14 – Taurus

Nov 29 –  Sagittarius                                                                  Dec 14 – Gemini

Dec 29 –  Capricorn




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