Offerings to the Orichas
As a practitioner of Lukumi/Santeria, I regularly make offerings to the Orichas (grammatically correct as there is no “sh” sound, as in “Orishas” in the Yoruba language, thus making the word for the collective Gods and Goddesses “Orichas” with the emphasis placed on the “ch” sound).
Below are a few photos of the various altars I have built and offerings I have made for clients.
I consult Obi and ask what specifically is to be offered for each Oricha’s offering and then I ask for the price to charge you. There is always a derecho (payment to the officiant which is me) so that I can be recompensed for my time and efforts. This is traditional and to expect favors or work to be done for free is an insult to the traditions of the belief system. The monetary amount for your offering to be placed varies and therefore communication between you and I must commence before your offering is determined.
If you would like to have an offering placed for a particular Oricha for love, money, health or as a ‘thank you for blessings received’, please follow directions below.

Offerings to Ochun at the River for Assistance with Love and Money

A Client’s Adimu for Obatala for a Special Request

Oricha Yemaya Feast Day with Altar and Offerings
Having an Offering to a particular Oricha or Saint can be done for your special request, petition or to offer thanks for blessings that have been bestowed. You may also participate in any major Feast Days celebrations. Please contact me at tarotbyjacqueline(at) for special altars set for you or to participate in upcoming events.
Read more about this beautiful religion here: ‘This is Mother Nature’s religion” from