Enter to Win a One Hour Reading with Jacqueline!



  (a $50.00 value)

  Drawing for winner on the 1st of every month

(one free reading/one winner per month – 12 months in a year)


Needing a reading and not sure how my readings occur? New to readings or tarot? New to Hoodoo or Rootwork?   Follow these steps for a simple way to enter a drawing to win a one hour reading by telephone with Jacqueline!


1.)  Send an e-mail* to me with your name and telephone number for the drawing. I will send a response that I have received your e-mail and your contact information will be put in the drawing for a reading with me.

2.) Email me at tarotbyjacqueline @ yahoo . com

3.)  Once your name has been entered into the drawing, it will stay in the drawing as new names will be added, so you will have a constant possibility of getting chosen now, soon, or later in the year. 

4.) Share this with friends and family who may want a reading (one reading per person).

5.) Drawing will last complete year of 2025 with a drawing on the 1st of each month. Last drawing will be 12/01/2025.





*  Signing up  for one hour reading drawing allows Jacqueline to contact you through your e-mail with specials and other event notifications through the Tarot by Jacqueline Newsletter.