August brings the end to the Dog Says of Summer. The majority of the month of July and into the early part of August are considered the “Dog Days of Summer”. This quaint quote was created for people to describe the particularly hot and humind temperatures of the Northern Hemisphere that has its roots in ancient Greek and Roman cultures. Some may use the phrase “the dog days of August” but the meaning is the same – it is the time when the star Sirius moves into the astrological season of Leo the Lion and on August 8th, activates the Lion’s Gate Portal. This event is when the star activates a power boost to give you energy to propel yourself to the end portion of your goals for the year and activate any changes that might be looming in your immediate future.
Sirius the “Dog Star” is located in the constellation of Canis Major (that’s Big Dog for y’all) and the ancient Greeks considered the time of mid-July through mid- August a time that Sirius was shining brighter and in connection with the Sun to make the temperature rise, making people lethargic and just plain cranky because of the heat. The beliefs that certain plagues and disease was brought on because of the heat, as well as the Egyptians thinking that there was ‘death’ around because of the cyclical drying up of the marshy Nile River areas (replenished when the rains returned). Nothng can be farther from the truth as Sirious appears during the hottest part of the year every year and no wrath of the Gods’ action was going on during the heat of Summer.
So what does it have to do with this little fella?
Now ironically, the radio stations Sirius and XM merger into one company was approved by the Federal Communications Commission on July 28th, and the symbolism could be connected to Sirius and even the Lion’s Gate Portal. Their little pup logo has a star for an eye, and since coming on the scene, has dominated the satellite radio scene with their wide variety of channels. Is there any coincidence? Me thinks so.
* Tarot by Jacqueline *
The scedhuling of readings is fairly flius and open this summer since I am not in a more rigorous schedule until September. Please refer to the three offers to the right of the page for reading times.
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That’s it for now! May everyday be blessed for you.