Fall always brings me to a time where I need to take stock in who I am. The fun of Summer is over, then patio furniture is stored in the garage, the last of the wildflowers, usually Black Eyed Susan, stand tall albeit a ‘little worse for wear and tear’ like Mick Jagger would sing. The nights are cooler and you instinctively know that it is time to become more serious about the upcoming end of the year and all that it details.  Fall is the time to reflect where we have been and what is our focus for the Future.

One of the lessons of reflections on who we are is the nod to our past. It makes sense that the Harvest and the Season of Remembrance is in Autumn. In ancient times, it was important for a culture’s survival to work with the natural flow of the Seasons and the end of the harvest was a time to be happy that the hard work was done getting the crops in from the fields and to give thanks for the harvest and to remember those who are no longer with us on Earth. During the height of Summer, when hard work required people to be in the fields all day, there was little time to prepare for celebration, and once the final foods of the Earth were brought in for safekeeping through the long, cold Winter, then time could be spent in visiting relatives, feasting, leisure times and going to Church for services for the Departed.

In more modern times, we are able to gather our foods easier than those in the past, yet the need to take time to remember who we are and where we came from still rings true today. Do you know who you are? Do you know where your family’s heritage comes from? What area of the country or world? What achievements did any of your kin create? Are you family of someone of historical, scientific, or other notable items? Any actors or musicians in the family? Are you a descendant of a tribe or indigenous culture? Who Are You?

Consider subscribing to Ancestry or another genealogical community to find out hidden information about yourself. It is a blessing to have that to pass down to the next generation and you might find some surprises that are a benefit to you. Learning where you came from is a form of ancestor veneration and remembrance services that can be incorporated in your personal Ancestor Altar on November 2nd All Souls Day (Day of the Dead) celebrations.


* Tarot by Jacqueline *

The Winter reading schedule is posted online and I will be pausing all candle burning services until November 1st as I will be traveling for events and will return at that time.

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NOVEMBER 2, 2022


I will be setting a food/flower/libations altar for the Ancestors on All Souls Day on Wednesday, Nov. 2nd in order to pay homage and thank the Ancestors for their spiritual guidance in our everyday walk of life. This altar will be set with flowers. fruits. cooked foods, libations, drinks, sweets, flowers and the candles of all who participate. You may order a white candle for your family members (singularly or collectively) and have your candle grace the altar for them. Photos of your candle will be sent. Candle Offering is $11.00 each

Order your Ancestor Veneration Candle online at:



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