It has been over a year since my last newsletter. It has been since March of 2020 when the nation closed down for the COVID lockdown. I will remember that time because I got a call that the high school that I was working at was closed indefinately and I told my guy that I had a feeling that I will never go back into the classroom. It was the last time I bleached my hair blonde. I did not return to teaching and I let my hair grow out. It is now a beautiful sea of silver in various tones and I absolutely love it.

We all had experienced a lot through that time and up to today and we were together through this, checking in by text and the occasional call. There were other things you and I went through together, and we have became stronger and wear the marks of a survivor. I.Y.K.Y.K.

Now is the time to refocus on our original intent of attracting positive energy of success, love, prosperity, upward movement, attaining goals, wealth, luck, lasting relationships, and security. No more will negativity, vengeful energy, and cursing be a part of my work. I have decided to take an Oath to return to my Original Purpose:

To Assist and Advocate for Positive Promotion and Successful Outcomes for the Benefit of My Clients

This was my original Mission Statement, and along the way, I deviated from it and began to do darker tones of work which, if not careful, can have lasting effects that a multitude of cleansings and devotional work was needed to return me to Center, and my Mission Statement. I am now free, light, positive, clean, blessed, and ready.

The Fall is a perfect time to increase your Epsom Salts soaks. Add a few drops of Wintergreen Oil to help release negativity. Females add a few drops of Rosemary Oil or a few fresh sprigs to crush in your hands and add to your water to help empower you. Do a herbal tea fast, drinking in teas of herbs, botanicals, and spices that evoke positive feelings for you. Burn Frankencense and/or Myrrh, Sweetgrass, White Sage in your home to rid negativity and bring in sacred peace.

Most importantly, eliminate negative items, people, feelings, and mindsets from your world. Surround your self in love, peace, positivity, and sanctity from this day forward.

New events, rituals and sacred dates are coming up and I hope you will join in to raise your spirit of Goodness to a higher level as we close out 2024.

Please make sure you are signed up for newletters across your various e-mail addresses so that you will not miss out on the latest news.

May you become stronger in Peace, Love, and Goodness, and banish all negativity from this moment on,





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