When you order a candle service by Jacqueline, here is what to expect in regards to your candle service ritual.
All candles burned in ritual prayer for your benefit are considered “tangible”, as I use items that you may hold, touch and feel. Each candle service is photographed for you, thus reassuring that your candle is indeed being burned for you. Your candle is cleansed, smoked with incense, labeled, prayed over and lit for a continuous burn to the Heavens, Angels, and Saints to aid and assist in your endeavor. There may be other sites on the Internet that offer other types of candle services, but the ones burned for you by Jacqueline are photographed and sent to you so you will know that the services requested are being provided.
Steps to your candle service preparation:
1. Creating your petitions
I edit a commonly used prayer petition to suit your needs, adding information that you have provided.
2. Cleansing and Smoking
After creating your petition, I clean your candle with lemon juice to whisk away any residue from the factory or general handling dust and debris from shipping and shelf storage. I then light a good quality incense blend to smudge or “smoke” your candle, making sure everything is physically and spiritual ‘clean’ for your candle service.
3. Labeling the candle with your petition
After cleaning the outside of the glass with alcohol, I affix your petition to the candle. I will always affix your petition to the candle unless specifically requested for silent prayers, in which I will burn a candle for you, in your name only, without a specific petition attached.
4. Applying Oils and Herbs
After the previous steps, I add oil and appropriate herbs to the tops of the candles as traditional will have to aid and assist in the success of your intentions.
5. Prayer Over Candles and Setting the Light
Finally, I pray a series of prayers over the candle and light candle and take a photograph. Sometimes, the flame will shoot high above the glass rim, and I do my best to get a good photograph to send to you. Your candle is then checked daily and I will contact you by e-mail mid-burn only if there are drastic changes in the candle (heavy blackening/sooting, cracked glass, burned petition) and offer suggestions before the candle has finished. It is not feasible to ask for a daily accounting of your candle burn, as here are sometimes as many as 20 candles on the altar at once. The candles are very hot and reaching over to move for a photograph can cause a hazardous situation, bu we will photograph mid-burn ONLY if a serious situation arises as mentioned above.
6. The Candle Reading
After the candle has finished, it is photographed against a white wall, so you may see any patterns or designs in the wax or smoke smudge (if any), and interpretation will be sent to you, along with your before and after photographs of the candle. If you wish your candle to be saved for you to come by to pick up, please advise BEFORE the end of the candle burn, as most candle glass is recycled and petitions are removed and burnt with copal, frankincense, or myrrh on major holidays throughout the year (Easter/Christmas).