Just a quick note to say that you have time to do some banishing or reversible work with candles during this waning Moon from today until the 14th of March, when the Moon goes void-of-course before becoming waxing again (meaning Dark to Full). This waning Moon is in Pisces, so it is time to do banishing work on the psychic or psyche level – meaning using your Power of Intention to drive out negativity and evil – whether it is your nosy neighbors or that scheming clerk at work.
If you would like a Reversible Candle burning for You to send back all Negativity to the Sender, let me light one for you on my All Saints Altar. This candle will have your petition under it and Reversible Oil in it. The cost is $8.00. Please click the button below before the night of the 14th of March to get it going for you today!
The next New Moon will occur on March 15, 2010.