This blog article was prompted by a telephone call I received just a few days ago and will be broken down into three blog posts. The caller asked what is it that I exactly do when a client calls for a consultation. She asked the difference between a “reading” and a “Consultation”. Since I consider all things combined when doing a reading with a client, I thought it would be good for me to explain what I do in contrast to what others do for you when ordering spiritual services.
In my practice, a reader is someone who uses divinatory methods or traditional objects such as Tarot Cards, Bones, Shells, the Bible, crystals, Pendulums or any other items considered consecrated or blessed and are traditional methods of divination. Some of these items are centuries old, some are newer. Are they all the same? No, in the respect that your outcomes and answers may not be identical, but they all carry a message for you.
A side question to this is – do all Readers use items for divination? The answer is No – some are clairvoyant (seers), some clairaudient (to hear) or clairsentient (to feel). Some use psychometry, or the holding of an object that you possess. Some merely use items to turn your focus away from them so that while you are looking at the table, they can get information that you might be blocking if you were to sit and look the reader in the eye. Anther reason is that while you are focusing on the crystals laid out in a pattern or the designs on the cards in front of you, you have no way to force a reaction in your face or body movement – in other words – you cannot ‘play act’ or ‘make up’ natural body movements and facial expressions.
Now even I use cards on my table when reading for clients but in some cases when the human energy is so strong – whether good or bad – I will get ‘it’ like a freight train barreling down a track on me. I have had people turn around in line in front of me and within two minutes have given me every aspect of their lives – verbally and non-verbally, and all I wanted was to pick up some milk and a loaf of bread. I have ‘heard’ what a man wanted to do (and it wasn’t nice) and also I have been so ‘jumpy’ (my word) when sitting next to a person that I couldn’t wait to get up from the theatre because of the negative energy bouncing off of them. I have identified a strangers’ illness that was sitting next to me while I was attending another psychic’s event and have fainted because of someone’s ‘psychic vampire’ force that wanted to be me so badly that they ran an energy drain on me that knocked me off my feet. Is this good? No, and that is why readers will pace themselves and schedule out their day in order to take breaks, have a little nourishment and even take showers and change clothes between clients – all in the process of clearing their space and energy for the next client.
I recently had a visitor at a psychic fair I attended come up to me and wanted a reading right then and I asked her if she had signed up for a time slot. She had and it was to occur twenty minutes later than the moment she plopped in my chair. I told her I would see her in a few minutes, but she insisted I begin her reading ‘right away’ because she traveled a long way to come to the event and she ‘didn’t have all day’. I kindly told her that I had to refresh myself from the last client in the chair and I pace myself with a time slot sign up sheet. Sorry to say, she did not honor that Truth enough to wait until her assigned time and left without a reading.
Remember, the reading is a method of finding out on different energy levels what is in store for you and it should be treated with the respect that it is messages of Help and Assistance from the Universe. It is always a delight when a client is on time and did not bring their babies or children, pets and the surly mate or lover that is sitting out in the car waiting for them. Truth be told, professional psychics, clairvoyants or readers do work within the same respectful scheduling like a doctor or dentist, and should be viewed with the same respect. On the other hand, when your psychic is running late, please know that the professional readers will either refund part of your money or give you more time in the end of the reading. This way, the reader is making sure you get your full money’s worth.
TOMORROW: The difference between a Reading and Spiritual Consultation