On a regular basis, I speak with clients regarding their streak of bad luck that they have come into or have been dealing with for some time, and are seeking spiritual guidance or product information in order to get back to a normal life. Some already ‘know’ what ‘it’ is, as they have either been told by a prior reader or spiritual worker, or have an idea that something is not quite right in their household. It could be an item, liquid, powder or even a person that has entered their home and thus caused chaos.
I am addressing a term that is widely used to describe a series of negative, unfortunate events that is called “being jinxed” or “crossed up”. A crossed or jinxed condition is when you are having a series of mishaps or a period of time in your life that it seems nothing is going ‘right’. I am not talking about a general good ole’ “Whammy” month – where your brakes gone out and you had to pay for next month’s prom dress. This is that and you lost your purse, the bank bacame overdrawn because someone gave you a bad check, and all of a sudden everyone at work is looking at you like you have lost your mind. Sometimes this is a condition, or a sense of being, that you may not be able to place a finger on it, but you know “sumthin’s up”.
A “crossed condition” or the act of being “crossed up” is commonly known also as being “jinxed”, and I will will use both terms interchangeably through this article because of the way the genral public uses these words. Jinxes can be placed either intentionally or uninterntionally, as with some people wh have the ‘gift’ of the Evil Eye or Jealous Eye, which can cause the recipient much trouble. Jinxes, crossed conditions and curses – all one and the same, can either be limited to one specific area of a person’s life, such as the job or love life, or can be all inclusive to every aspect of a person’s life. It could also be familial or generational, meaning either to the whole family of a person, whether it is the current living generation or the entire family, including those yet to be born. One would think that it was intstantaneous, insane jealousy that could cause this but most will find that family or generational curses are born of family members and other relatives who are wishing the other side of the family tree ill fortune and ruin.
The first inkling that you are having a longer than normal bad luck day or week is when a series of mishaps keep happening, one after the other. A person may have a really bad month handling money, despite not purchasing anything different from the month before. Trouble begins at work, or you may suddenly lose your job, despite getting a glowing review earlier. Romance goes down the drain, as you and your mate might begin to fight over the little stuff, and you once peaceful home is now a war zone. You might have a series of health issues that come out of nowhere, and there seems to not be any rhyme or reason to it. Sometimes the feeling of ill will is so prevalent that the client just “knows” it but some jinxes are so cleverly disguised that no one would have thought it to be. I have seen jinxes or curse come in presents like a figurine or a doll given to a child with herbs and a cloth bag of ‘stuff’ placed inside it. I have seen blatant curses, like a voodoo doll mailed to a family, along with the oil bottle and candle included. Ironically, this last situation had a happy outcome – the family found out that a family “friend” was trying to molest their youngest daughter, and the package was a “wake up call” to them. They immediately confronted everyone in the household, accusing and yelling, and the Truth came out! I truly beleive the Higher Power had their hand on that case.
Other Symptoms of Being Crossed:
* Dizzy, Dropping Things, Off Balance, Clumsy, Forgetfulness
* Can’t Sleep at Night or Unable to Feel Rested After Night in Bed
* Things Breaking when you Touch Them (glassware, especially)
* General Malaise or Exhaustion that Food or Rest cannot Cure
Next article: Steps to Ridding Yourself of a Jinx or Crossed Condition