"You Can't Always Get What You Want" – A Commentary
One evening this past week, I was sitting at the computer answering e-mails. The phone rang, and while I usually do not pick up the phone in the later hours of the evening, I did that night. One the phone was a young woman who was inquiring about Intranquility Spells. I am assuming that she was considering purchasing one, and before I just conduct a sale, I try to get a “feel” for the reasoning behind such a request. The woman was hesitant to explain herself, but revealed some of the details of the situation – bringing back...
read moreNumerology – The Hidden Power of Your Name – Article
Here is an excellent article written to help you find your hidden strengths and power in your name by calculating the letters and numbers associated with your name and revealing the single digit number that is your core essence. Click here to read full...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | Good Luck Days and Numbers in July 2010
It seems that the later in the year, the less days for Good Luck appear in the numbers.and for July 2010, we have only two days to consider “lucky” numbers days. The Lucky Days in July are: July 6, 2010: 7 + 6 + + 2 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7 July 24, 2010: 7 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7 Make sure you play the number “7” on the Megamillions on thes edays. Better yet, buy seven single play lottery tickets on this day and see what happens. One way you can enhance your winning power is to rub some Lucky Mojo...
read moreNumerology | Your Destiny Life Path – Article
Here is a great article about finding out what the Universe has in store for you and what is the true meaning of your walk in Life. Enjoy! Click the blue title to read Your Destiny Life Path. ...
read moreAn article about Ellen Degeneres and the Number 11:11
Wow! This is a great story about numerology and the significance of numbers that repeat frequently in your life. Ellen degeneres has a spiritual connection with the number 11:11 and I seem to always be ‘called’ or ‘driven’ to look at the clock on the dash or in the office at 11:11. To read the story about Ellen Degeneres and her connections with 11:11, click here:...
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