Tarot by Jacqueline | The Magic Number of Your Name – Part 1
There is magic in your name! Whether you know it or not, there are magickal associations of numbers to the alphabet and when deciphered, your name has a combination that is linked to the magical vibrations of a number. This number can be used when deciding a career, lucky numbers in a game of chance or lotto, and for insight as to how life will be presented to you and the type of energy the number resonates. This is the chart that is used to determine the number associated with each letter o the alphabet: 1 2 3 4 5 ...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | Good Luck Days and Numbers for February 2010
Greetings! As you remember, last month I was working with numbers of the dates of the year and began to see a pattern of the days, when added together, resulted in the sum of 7. Since in my belief system, the year 2010 is ruled by the Yoruba Goddess, Yemaya (aka Yemoja/Iemanja) and her ruling number is “7”, I am going to assume that maybe there is a correlation to this and declare these dates in February to be “Lucky 7” power days and numbers. I hope you harness the power of the number “7” for good things...
read moreThe Prosperity Experiment Altar | 30 Days of Prayer & Candles for You!
Don’t be left out in our mid-year Prosperity Experiment! Coming in late June 2010! We have had a report of someone already getting the job they wanted after their donation for their candles but before we even began! This happens sometimes with the Prosperity Experiment. Just by making a commitment to empowering yourself to have more, make more and share more, you get immediate...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | Good Luck Days and Numbers for January 2010
Greetings! It’s the beginning of the year and we all have those things we call resolutions and schemes to achieve ‘something’ in 2010 and I am no stranger to them as well. Last night I returned to my Zumba class that I had dropped out of in October when I became bogged down with school, work, writing and well, life. I hurt this morning but know it is a ‘good hurt’. With this new year and decade, I get a plethora of mail about how to use various methods of divination to ‘strike it rich’ or have an...
read moreThe Prosperity Experiment – 30 Days to a Prosperous You in 2010!
January is a pivotal month for many and can ‘make or break’ a winter for some. The children are going back to school after the Holidays, which may have strained the pocketbook. Those extended working hours and seasonal employment are now reduced. Even if you planned for the Holidays, you probably overspent. Colds and the flu may keep some of home on days when we truly need to be working. Heating homes cost more. These are just some of the many challenges of the season that will be a concern to us. This is probably one of the...
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