In order to have a successful and productive tarot card reading, spiritual consultation or session with a spiritual counselor, you must be ready for the information imparted in the reading or consultation. Here are some steps to consider when preparing for a reading or appointment with your spiritual advisor.
1.) Make sure you had enough rest before the session. – Do not go to a meeting exhausted from worry or ‘drama’ in your life. Make sure you are at a state of mind that is not frantic so you can be able to hear the messages given at the reading.
2. ) Make sure you are not ill or on any adverse medication. – When you are not feeling well, not only are you flooding your body with pharmaceuticals to speed up the healing process, you are also creating a condition in yourself that is not receptive. In the back ofyour mind, the only thing you will bethinking of is getting back to bed and getting well. The consultant or tarot reader does not want to catch your cold, either. A code of Ethics should be in place between client and counselor that if one or another is ill, a cancellation is needed to keep others healthy.
3. ) Do not become a “psychic junkie”. – This means do not go from one reader to another back to back. I recently finished working with a client that would not stop going to 6 different readers and counselors in the region (including me). She was asking each of the other one “why?” and “how come?” the other one said this or sold her that. This is sheer mania and sets up a situation of the client becoming completely confused in what they are doing – not to mention the amount of money some of the less-than-ethical ‘psychics’ were charging her, all in the name of love.
4. ) Do not “flip flop”. – This compounds the above piece. Pick one method and stick to it. I explained it to the client mentioned above like this; what you are doing is like when you are sick and taking NyQuil, Alka Seltzer, Sudafed and TheraFlu all at the same time . You THINK that adding more candles, consultations, rituals and prayer is going to get you results faster but it is only making it WORSE. Choose one “medicine”, take it and allow IT TO WORK. The more effective method is TIME in PRAYER.
5. ) Allow yourself time to think about purchases. – If in the presence of a spiritual worker, psychic or rootworker, you are in the situation where you are being coerced or convinced that additional purchases of items, services or products are bing presented to you and this creates an uncomfortable situation or feeling for you, then WAIT before purchasing. Unless the Moon is going to change it’s lunation or it is going to go from New Moon time to Full Moon, then you should be able to go sit quietly by yourself and think if you would like to make additional purchases of services, rituals, candles and more. A good, quality and more importantly, reputable worker will offer the same product, candle service or ritual later on another day or time period. Do not, ahem, DO NOT allow yourself to be convinced with such remarks as “It is only this price for today because you came in to see me”, “I don’t have it now but I have to order it so pay me now and I will get it” or “If you do not do this, something very bad is going to happen”. The last one is the most common you will hear from ‘sleight of hand’ type psychics. If they are truly out of the product, let them order it and call you when it is in. I myself run out of specialty roots like John the Conqueror all the time, and have to re-order from my supplier. When I do, I tell the client and let them know it is ready for purchase.
If in doubt about the authenticity or sincerity of the worker, pay for the session you asked for and then take time to digest and absorb the information. Your Spirit Guides or Guardian Angels will give you indications whether you should return to that worker to seek further work or not. Listen to your ‘hunches’ and act accordingly.