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Tarot by Jacqueline | Is It Really Luck or Manifesting?

Tarot by Jacqueline | Is It Really Luck or Manifesting?

Is it Luck or Determined Mental Manifestation that some use to always seem to have ‘good things’ happen to them? While it is not unusual for most of us to find a dollar on the floor of the grocery store, win a raffle for something we purchased a ticket, or maybe even a $5.00 scratcher ticket, most of us know someone that seems to “have all the luck”. This article from Shine will explain techniques that your friend...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Perfect Fall Reading for Free!

Tarot by Jacqueline | Perfect Fall Reading for Free!

From time to time, I get e-mails about free e-books of good reads that might be of inspiration to you. The folks at sent me this link for 15 free e-books filled with inspiration and hope. Please click on this link: Free e-books from and...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Your Ancestor Altar and Eguns

Tarot by Jacqueline | Your Ancestor Altar and Eguns

Fall arrived a few weeks ago, but with all the weather changes, some weeks one would question if it was a trick Nature was playing on you. One day it is warm, the next breezy. I decide it is furniture moving time. It is time to move my Eguns altar and catch the dust bunnies under the cabinet. Looking at it makes me wonder if anyone else has an altar to their ancestors. Some probably do not have a clue that instinctively, they are creating...

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How to Experience a Successful Tarot Card Reading or Spiritual Consultation

How to Experience a Successful Tarot Card Reading or Spiritual Consultation

In order to have a successful and productive tarot card reading, spiritual consultation or session with a spiritual counselor, you must be ready for the information imparted in the reading or consultation. Here are some steps to consider when preparing for a reading or appointment with your spiritual advisor. 1.)   Make sure you had enough rest before the session. – Do not go to a meeting exhausted from worry or ‘drama’...

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New Book! | Highly Effective Money Candle Spells by Rev. Jacqueline

New Book! | Highly Effective Money Candle Spells by Rev. Jacqueline

A new e-book, “Highly Effective Money Candle Spells” by Rev. Jacqueline A. Mathers, is ready as a downloadable booklet. We are happy to offer this as a continued e-book so that not only we can save the trees but you also you can always store this on your desk top to refer to time and time again. In this booklet, you will find 22 pages of Rev. Jacqueline’s most popular helpful hints, tips and rituals to assist in bringing...

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Open House | Feast Day for Yemaya – September 7, 2010

Open House | Feast Day for Yemaya – September 7, 2010

Maferefun! Yemaya Omio! I will be hosting a potluck-style open house for the feast day of Yemaya, Yoruba Goddess of the Ocean, on Tuesday, Sept. 7, 2010 from 6 pm to 9 pm with Oricha music by Sacramento’s own Ebo Okokan. Click Here to sample the music of Ebo Okokan! This potluck is open to the local public and all are welcome. Suggested potluck dishes should feed 10 and can be items such as salads, fruit plates and casseroles. An...

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