ONE HOUR * Tarot Reading by Telephone


Time Converter

Please book in 3 hours in advance

(time on calendar above in booking area will show Eastern time)


One Hour Tarot Readings by Telephone – $50.00




If you need an immediate reading, please text me at

916 * 284 * 5552

first to check if for availability. Thank you.

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*Remember the Early Bird Reading Special EVERY DAY at

10 am Eastern/ 9 am Central/ 8 am Mtn./ 7 am Pacific (see left)

9 pm Eastern/ 8 pm Central/ 7 pm Mtn./ 6 pm Pacific

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*Remember the Early Bird Reading Special EVERY DAY at

10 am Eastern/ 9 am Central/ 8 am Mtn./ 7 am Pacific (see left)

7 pm Eastern/ 6 pm Central/ 5 pm Mtn./ 4 pm Pacific

10 pm/ 9 pm Central/ 8 pm Mtn./ 7 pm Pacific

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*Remember the Early Bird Reading Special EVERY DAY at

10 am Eastern/ 9 am Central/ 8 am Mtn./ 7 am Pacific (see left)


For immediate readings, text me at 916 * 284 * 5552 to check for availability

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*Remember the Early Bird Reading Special EVERY DAY at

10 am Eastern/ 9 am Central/ 8 am Mtn./ 7 am Pacific (see left)

7 pm Eastern/ 6 pm Central/ 5 pm Mtn./ 4 pm Pacific

10 pm/ 9 pm Central/ 8 pm Mtn./ 7 pm Pacific

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*Remember the Early Bird Reading Special EVERY DAY at

10 am Eastern/ 9 am Central/ 8 am Mtn./ 7 am Pacific (see left)


For immediate readings, text me at 916 * 284 * 5552 to check for availability

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*Remember the Early Bird Reading Special EVERY DAY at

10 am Eastern/ 9 am Central/ 8 am Mtn./ 7 am Pacific (see left)

4 pm Eastern/ 3 pm Central/ 2 pm Mtn./ 1 pm Pacific


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*Remember the Early Bird Reading Special EVERY DAY at

10 am Eastern/ 9 am Central/ 8 am Mtn./ 7 am Pacific (see left)

4 pm Eastern/ 3 pm Central/ 2 pm Mtn./ 1 pm Pacific


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* Effective 08/2021 Please be certain of the date and time so there is no time management issue. I will call at the appointment time and if no one answers, I will text once and send an e-mail once. I will announce that I will wait 10 minutes for a return call from you, If a return call does not occur, I will be forced to cancel our appointment and issue you a $10.00 refund. There are no changes available to this policy.  In the event that I have an emergency and I do not call you for your reading, an e-mail with the explanation will be sent along will a full refund. There will be a $3.00 refund fee that is paid to cover all transactions for all refunds.

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NOTE: This is a telephone version of a classic tarot reading consultation.

NOTE: No readings are conducted on New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Fat Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve regardless of what day that holiday falls on. Your appointment may be rescheduled depending on my calendar.


To check your time zone against the posted appointment times,  please go to:

and follow the instructions.

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The calendar is in EASTERN time zone time slots.

If you live in another time zone please calculate by using this table:

  1. If you live in the Pacific Time Zone, you must add three hours to your current time and choose that time. For example, if you are in Pacific time zone, add three hours. Example: you are  am PACIFIC, then choose 9 am Eastern Time.
  2. If you live in the Mountain Time Zone, you must add two hours to your current time and choose that time. For example, if it is 7 am MOUNTAIN TIME, then choose 9 am Eastern.
  3. If you live in the Central Time Zone, you must add one hour from your current time and choose that time. For example, if you choose 9 am EASTERN, then it is 8 am CENTRAL Time.
  4. Canadian Friends, please use the 4 time zones listed above.
  5. EXCEPTION: If you live in Hawaii, then you must ADD FOUR HOURS to your current time and choose that time. For example, if you choose 9 am EASTERN time, it is 4 am in HAWAII
How to order:
  1. Choose the date on the calendar.
  2. When you click the date on the calendar, a time chart appears. Choose the time slot via the drop down list.
  3. Click on “Add to Cart” and you will be redirected to the checkout page.
  4. Complete your order by filling in the necessary details and proceed to pay.
  5. Make sure the telephone number you insert in your order form is the number you wish to be contact on as this is the number I will call at your appointment time.
  6. You will have to book 3 hours in advance ahead of your reading time choice. For instance, if you want to book a reading for Tuesday morning, then you have to book no later than 12 midnight Monday night.

Thank you


NOTE: PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ THE CONFIRMATION E-MAIL THAT ARRIVES NO LATER THAN 03-36 HOURS AFTER PAYMENT. It contains important information you will want for your reading.



Please be respectful of our time together, as I can no longer wait for your appointment if you are running late. It is simply not honorable to you and myself to wait as this is a time management issue. I will call at the appointment time and if no one answers, I will text once and send an e-mail once. I will announce that I will wait 10 minutes for a return call from you, If a return call does not occur, I will be forced to cancel our appointment and issue you a $10.00 refund. There are no changes available to this policy. Your time is respected by me calling on time, and you respect me by being ready on time. In the event that I have an emergency and I do not call you for your reading, an e-mail with the explanation will be sent along will a full refund.


 * Please read my refund policy on this page:

and make sure you are available a the time we have chosen for your reading. For complete terms and conditions, please visit my “Cancellation and Refund Policy” page under the Order a Reading Tab at the top of the website page. The terms and conditions do not apply for any readings for special priced readings. Thank you.