While working on the Full Moon post on my other site, Free Candle Spells, I received and e-mail from someone locally with an unusual request: Use my readings to ‘convince’ his on-again-off-again girlfriend that “he is THE ONE”.
The gist of the e-mail was that the gentleman was tired of his relationship being held “in limbo” and wanted a commitment and was frustrated with her indecisiveness. He told me that she would accept the advice from a psychic if i would spend 5 minutes with her and tell her he is all the man she needs – given the “the right information, a psychic would be able to lead her to the conclusions I want her to come to.”
The gentleman professes his love for her and believes the same of her but is tired of waiting.
I told him No.
My response was that the one thing that stuck out in your letter is your statement, ” What I want is to give you the information you need to help her realize that we belong together, but to do it in such a way that she feels as though if she doesn’t now, she may miss her chance.”
I told him that he may not understand. True readers are not swayed by a clients “wants” – we tell the Truth, whether it is liked or received or not. You may ultimately not be the one for her or she for you. Only the Angels, Saints and the Higher Powers know the end of the story, so to speak.
The gentleman responded with a second e-mail with a statement that “I’m not asking you to be swayed by what I want, I honestly just want someone to tell her what I want her to hear. I know what you’re thinking; why not just find someone to pretend to be a reader? I believe that it will be more convincing if the reading took place in an environment that “felt” real to her, and by someone who is very familiar with the jargon and, after I supply them with the information, can paraphrase enough to convince her to see things my way. I know this sounds very deceiving, and my very well may be, but I am come to the end of my rope and am willing to commit this “necessary evil” in order to make this relationship work. I am more than willing to pay your fee for a reading, but what it comes down to is I need someone who will stack the deck so she comes to the conclusion I want her to come to.”
I responded with “She is listening to her Intuition – and if she is hesitant, it may be because she is searching out what her life can be – with or without you. It is an innate reasoning within someone’s psyche, like a deer who knows when a stranger is in the forest or a Mother who knows when their child is up to something. Not to say that you yourself is “up to something” but if she has a “knowing” that she has a career path or an educational path that may be a hindrance to other factors in her life (like a relationship) she may be ‘waiting’ for a sign that she can go forward with you.I truly wish you luck, hoping that you will not go through with this but knowing that what separates you from the animals is God’s gift of FREE WILL. You have free will to make these decisions and I hope it all turns out for the best but for me, I cannot lie and falsify what the cards will say in a reading.”
A deeper understand in this was this – true psychics, readers, root workers, spiritualistsand others in this field will not hesitate to tell the TRUTH – no matter what happens. I know that I have a Conscience and have to justify my actions with the Higher Power above, the Angels and Saints, otherwise, I am a charlatan. That is not what I am known for and I have a right, or MY FREE WILL, to act in accordance to God’s plan. In each and every situation, you must surrender to God’s plan for you and your life and live as you want to be treated – with true love and honesty – no matter how the outcome “comes down”.