Having special gifts are truly a blessing…for the most part. The Powers that Be, sometimes known as “God” or any of the other titles held, gives us these gifts when we are young. It is only the ‘Prove it to me’ attitude of the World that makes us a little jaded and unbelieving and we begin to close off these portals of information; becoming one of those who rely on the scientific realm or begin asking for the tangible results.
But what about those days when you just want to run into the market to grab a few things and the cosmic neon sign is on, blinking AND playing a message over the astral loudspeaker? Then the lady in line in front of you turns around and proceeds to give you a one minute update on her life – vocally, while you are getting other information through the back of your head. This is sometimes what I experience as a clairaudient and clairsentient.
I must have been a precocious child, as I can recall my Mother trying to ‘shhh’ me when I would put my wonderings to words and say things outloud that I was working on in my head. Like the time I went to Houston and I, coming from a predominantly Caucasian part of California, wondered outloud about the many African-Americans that were around me. How interesting that later in my life, I would practice an indiginous nature-based religious belief that came over during the Diaspora. I am sure now that I must have caused embarassment for my Mother on more than once occasion.
Being clairaudient and clairsentient is sometimes a challenge to own these gifts. Like the the time in the vestible of my Catholic church at the time when I was being told something by an elder in the congregation, and a young male voice (I am presuming that it is St. Michael, my favorite angel) whispered in my left ear that it was a lie and I almost choked on my mint. Another time, while leisurely strolling the pasta aisle of a nearby supermarket, I could hear a buzz or hum coming towards me, like when you are in the country late at night and you can hear a car approaching from the distance and the noise grows louder are it gets nearer. I turned my head to see a man who could have stepped right out of Woodstock approaching my basket. His eyes were intent in a stare on me and when he whooshed past me, I could hear the works, “rape you’, blow past me like the wind. I stopped and blinked, turned around, and he was gone!
Another dilemma that I face is clairsentiency, the ability to feel sensations on my body that are indicating something with the other person. For instance, when doing a tarot card reading for someone is when they are not telling the truth, or at least, not telling me how bad it is. How do you manouver around that the messages radiating from them are like the wind blasting me from the front, but they are saying “No’ and the sensation of stomach.They are holding back because the ‘secret’ is out.
A few years back, I went with an aquaintance to a night with a psychic. The room was packed and my friend had to sit alone a couple of rows in front of me. I was readjusting my posture in the chair as I felt that something was grabbing my left shoulder and pulling me down towards the floor. I also had the sensation of uncomfortable heat, as if I was in front of a large roaring fireplace my left.After the psychic’s talk, she went around the room giving each an opportunity cramping starts in my body. When it was my turn, I instead asked her to ‘help me’ with this situation. The psychic told the audience that I was picking up the problems of the lady sitting to my left. She asked me what was the sensations I was feeling, then asked to lady what was affecting her on the left side of her body. The lady told the psychic that she has arthritis that is ‘flaring up’ and she is in pain on her left side. The psychic, myself and the whole room then joined together to send her healing on the afflicted side. After a bit, the psychic came back to me and asked how the sensation was. I told her the heat was not at a temperature I could handle and the pulling down of my shoulder had lessened. There are other times that I ‘take on’ a clients’ pain while doing a reading, and then give them alternative and natural remedies they might want to try at home. While I am not a doctor nor do I practice medicine, I tell people to do the research into healthy herbs and spices that will help in their situation.
I know that I was given these gifts to assist people that need guidance and I thank the Heavens, Saints and Angels every day that I have these abilities to help others. I always ask that if the messages I receive become ‘bunk’ or not true anymore, I would then close these portals of information and insight and become a muggle. Thank goodness so far, this has not happened.
Jacqueline, located in Elk Grove, CA (near Sacramento), does readings in person and on the telephone for clients. If you are interested in scheduling a reading, please go to www.tarotbyjacqueline.com to order now!