This is part three of a 3 part series in helping to give clarity and insight into the different types of spiritual counseling that you may be offered with different consultants or readers.
Spiritual or magical ‘coaching’ is not usually part of a reading, however, it can be included if a consultation is given. Spiritual coaching can be more defined as someone behind the counter of your local botanica or candle shop showing you how to anoint the candles, set the min place, write your petition paper and other guidance on how to achieve your best results with your candle spell. If your question is simple, most will give you basic instructions, but you may find that if you are unsure of yourself or the language being used is just too foreign to your ears, you may have to ‘hire’ your consultant to come to your home to set your altar or to sit one-on-one with you to demonstrate your candle spell in a more thorough manner. This is similar to a pharmacist; you ask them which antacid is better and them they tell you how to best take the over the counter medicine. For major heartburn, you will be instructed to go see a doctor and pay the co-pay for the visit.
Often spiritual ‘coaching’ is a used as a substitute for the word ‘counseling’, as most people well versed in this practice may be very knowledgeable in Scripture and other Holy Practices, but cannot use the ‘counselor’ title as they have not been ordained into a legitimate religious organization. Many people, however, do participate or actively belong to a religious center, may be known as a “Brother”, “Sister”, “elder”, “Deacon”, or “Deaconess”. Some, like myself, have taken instruction and became and Ordained Minister. Counseling is as counseling does; it is a time when you are privately discussing various personal and spiritual matters with someone wise in these matters. They give Wise Counsel without having access to connections that may harm the client professionally or personally. These wise people may suspect certain medical, psychogical or emotional disturbances that they will notify you of, so that you can seek quality, professional care by a licensed Doctor, physician or therapist to determine if this is the organic cause of the situation. Your session with a spiritual or magical coach should never be considered professional therapy or medicine, as almost all will not have state licensing to practice as such.