
As you remember, last month I was working with numbers of the dates of the year and began to see a pattern of the days, when added together, resulted in the sum of 7. Since in my belief system, the year 2010 is ruled by the Yoruba Goddess, Yemaya (aka Yemoja/Iemanja) and her ruling number is “7”, I am going to assume that maybe there is a correlation to this and declare these dates in February to be “Lucky 7” power days and numbers. I hope you harness the power of the number “7” for good things in your life.

The Good Luck Days and Numbers in February 2010 are:

February 2, 2010 + 02/02/2010 = 0+2++0+2+2+0+1+0 = 7
February, 11, 2010 = 02/11/2010 = 0+2+1+1+2+0+1+0 = 7
February 20, 2010 = 02/20/2010 = 0+2+2+0+2+0+1+0 = 7


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