This is part one of a two part series about value – of money. This first offering regards how we view money. enjoy! – Jacqueline
I am perplexed.
As a tarot reader, spiritual consultant and intercessor, I read for, counsel and work with clients of many backgrounds. Most often, the two subjects that come up for people are the issues with love and money. These two subjects win hands down when people are seeking guidance and spiritual products to aid in their resolution. But what about getting to the core of the issue? Today, I write about the value of money.
Money is something we all need. It is a tangible symbol of effort and energy that one applies for their end goal or resolution. In biblical times, farmers, herders and craftsmen brought their wares and flocks to the Temple or other designated trading area within the city closest to their pasture or home. I can envision something akin to our modern day flea market. Farmers would bring fruit, vegetable and gran, ranchers would bring goats, lambs or sheep, cows, horses and donkeys. Craftsmen (and women, too) would bring vessels, pots, blankets, cloth, oils, leather good and more. Each would establish the value of their item and they would barter or discuss what would be considered fair for each participant, make the trade, and depart.
In today’s world, we are not an agricultural society as we were then but a manifacturing socienty, where working in buildings making things has replaced long hours laboring over cultivating and picking produce to get it to market. We now transport food stuffs such as wheat, fruit and vegetables and alos cattle by various means of travel to get it to where it is processed for us to consume. Our labors now are represented by a system of metal circular objects and green paper that carries ‘worth’. It is that paper, coin or account balance on our ATM banking screensthat we are concerned for that we worry about and watch daily.

Today, we carry greenbacks to symbolize what we were paid to labor, or share our talents, expertise or whatever. We do not bring a herd of goats or bushels of apricots with us, as paper money and coins have establish a “worth” for everything. We now go to a centralized place (grocers, shopping mall, small business or big box retailer) and give our paper in exchange for something we value. With modern technology, even those same pieces of green paper that carry worth or wealth is replaced with a piece of plastic that have encoding embedded in them in the form of ATM or credit cards. We can now log into the computer to see what our ‘worth balance’ is daily, and can be rated by an entity such as a bank on our ‘worthiness’ with a number score. But what are we really seeking when we seek ‘worthiness’ or wealth in numbers?
Wealth or having wealth is a state of mind. Many people who are wealthy are like to elderly woman who saved all her life and invested her money, only to grant a Central California Salvation Army over a million dollars at her passing. She certainly had money to burn, yet chose to own a home, drive a modest car and live simply. She had clothing, food and even ‘splurged’ once for a vacation and cable television. She was satisfied with what she owned and how she lived. There was something in her that was appeased and she was spiritually connected to life and her situation. She did not have to live lavishly but she has all things comforting to her when she needed it. She has a wealth consciousness that she lived simply but had all the comforts of home.
Develop your wealth consciousness without influence by the masses. What are you trying to show the world and why does it matter to you that “they” (the collect other humans you ineract with daily) accept or rate you in accordance to their standards of ‘worthiness’ or ‘wealth’? Live your life by what you deem necessary for you to trade your greenback for, and consume wisely, as our land is being covered by items of validation that are no longer usable or needed. You will validate yourself more and live in a more spiritual place within your home knowing that items that validate you are truly something that matters.
Next, how to use your money in magickal way to produce more.