“Went to a garden party to reminisce with my old friends.
A chance to share old memories and play our songs again
When I got to the garden party, they all knew my name.
When I got to the garden party, they all knew my name.
No one recognized me, I didn’t look the same
But it’s all right now, I learned my lesson well.
You see, ya can’t please everyone, so ya got to please yourself” – Ricky Nelson
I am currently in California on a mixture trip of business and family, and I have been seeing a few clients in person who missed coming over and sitting in front of the cards. This is a homecoming for me, as the past two years I have been living in Western Massachusetts, where there is four true seasons and a totally different socio-economic region there.
The other morning, I answered a call from someone who was not a current client of mine, but somehow received the postcard I mailed to many of the Californians I have on my mailing list. Since the postcards are addressed to either a name OR the current resident, I assumed that since her phone number was not programmed into my iPhone, she was the latter on the address label. The young woman was asking many questions regarding candle spells, in which I am glad to give her some information and suggestions for research. The woman wanted to recant each and every moment of her love life with me. I asked he politely to consider booking a reading because in my 25-plus years of experience, long stories of events leads up to questions – which is, in effect, a free consultation. I allowed her a few more sentences and then I interjected that I know that she will need to ask questions and that a 30 minute or one hour consultation will give her insight, but that comment from me was ignored. She continued with her story, and I listened quietly. Then the questions started coming in rapid-fire motion -‘ When did this start happening? Why? Who jinxed her relationship? Why would He do that?’ etc. I paused in silence for a moment.
I then gave her an answer. I asked her how precious was her relationship with this man. She paused for a moment, then stated that this was the relationship she hoped and dreamed for all her life. I then said that if this relationship is all that you ever wanted, then she needed to accept the “ups-and-downs” that comes with time spent with another. Tough times during a relationship goes hand-in-hand with the good times. You can’t always have it the way you want all the time.
I also advised her to be aware of “cold calling” psychics, readers and such. First, because the advice given from more than one adviser could be misconstrued or confused/combined with other advice is a melange of information that could go terribly wrong. Better that she invest the time in researching a reader or psychic and read what they are all about before ‘putting her bizness out there’. Why? Because some readers take your pain and work magic to make it worse so you will come running to them to “fix” it. That happens more than you think. There are people who want to capitalize on your misery.
Lastly, asking a person that is in the practice of reading for people to do “free” consultations is like meeting your Doctor or Dentist at the local pub/PTA meeting/Grocery store and lifting your shirt or opening your mouth wide to show them your abscessed tooth. Very awkward indeed. When needing spiritual work or advice from a divination system, please consider investing in a reading as the Universe is watching us all the time and Karma can be a….well, you know…that “B” word.