Roll out those lazy,  hazy, crazy days of summer!

August is the time where we start to think about what we are going to accomplish by the end of the year. Those New Year resolutions are staring us in the face like a Mama that’s about to scold us – ‘ What have you been doing with your TIME, chile!’

We need to start planning for Fall, for Back to School, for college, for the upcoming Winter and it’s cold winds, rain and snow. We need to plan for any holidays we are going to celebrate and the funds to do so. See, I am right in line with your needs as well. I’ve just bought all my granddaughter’s school uniforms last month, when they were on sale, so I could save a few dollars, and I know that the teen twin granddaughters will be needing gift cards to go to Old Navy.

Below you will find some items of interest to ‘jump start’ your engine to get you back into a groove so that you CAN accomplish your 2018 goals. We still have time, but we must be cognizant of the time.

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Things that are happening in August!

Tarot by Jacqueline News

* * * CONTINUING * * * – Summer Reading Special in effect! $36.00/hr telephone tarot reading – now through end of Summer! Book early and often to get a monthly reading for June/July/August! Book online at This offer will end on August 31, 2018!

* * * NEW! * * * 

Coming in September, changes will be made to the reading calendar to reflect the changes in the light as Indian Summer/Fall commences. Please look for changes in the reading schedule in September.

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Newest News from Tarot by Jacqueline

I have been getting in the ole’ “writing saddle” and I’ve started posting some new articles on the Tarot by Jacqueline and the Free Candle Spells site . Other projects had me busy earlier in the year, and now they have completed, I am focusing on other new items. Anever ending process…

NEW! * NEW! * NEW! – Some of you want immediate or “drop in” readings. You can call and/or text me at 916 * 284 * 5552
to see if I have an opening. Because of life’s “emergencies”, I have now opened up my Wednesdays to immediate drop-in
type of readings. It is preferred that all apointments need to be booked in advance – BUT – take your chances and see
if I am available for those quick reading times.

Order your regular reading now by copying this link and pasting it into a new browser tab:



* ALERT! *We are still in a Mercury Retrograde until August 19th so plan to mail checks for bills early, expect computer and cell phone issues, back up your databases and hard drives, delay auto repairs and surgeries. Lying low and curbing your tongue is best for now.

August NEW MOON – AUGUST 11th – New Moon in Leo – Message of the New Moon: Don’t imagine grandiose designs and ideas that have no substance in fact or reality. Quick, off-the-cuff decisions will be regrettable and costly. Think things through on all sides of the issue.

PERFECT TIME TO:  Rest! Take out that old journal or notebook and re-read things you planned on doing earlier this year and come up with a new plan.


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August’s FULL MOON (Sturgeon Moon)- August 26th – Full Moon in Virgo – Message of the Full Moon: Inconsistent but demanding energies may drain you emotionally as chaos breaks out before a calm resolution is made.

PERFECT TIME TO: Not give in to pressure. Allow full disclosure of all facts before making any major decisions, especially ones with emotional ties.

FULL MOON MANTRA/PRAYER/INTENTION – I am CALM despite the chaotic energies surrounding me. I WILL DISCERN what is BEST for ALL, INCLUDING MYSELF. ICAN wait for revelations to REVEAL the TRUTH before I make ANY DECISIONS.


Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply News

* CONTINUING – At this time, there is a two-to-three week turn around for orders from Lucky 13 Clover. This is only
temporary, and we’ll be back in full 24-48 hour turn around swing in just a few months. Thank you for your patience and
you will not believe what is coming for the online store at I am creating like crazy!

Until then, most orders will be on a 2-3 week delay in shipping due to the family circumstances here. Things are looking up and changes are in the air, so thank you for being patient and understanding.


Free-Candle-Spells News
************************* is now!

Yes, finally in the Internet world, domain names (the names for the websites) are exclusive to each site and sometimes it might take years for a perfect name to come available. That is the story with The name, was owned by someone else and had another website on it. I put dashes between each word and created my own site. Now, the other name (without dashes) became free and open and I purchased it. No matter which way you type it in, you will be coming to my site for candle information and more. There is more than ten years of writings I have done on the behalf of candle spell work. on to help guide you and inform you. Best of all – it’s FREE!

That’s it for today! More soon!


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