We look out the window and ask when Spring will arrive. It will soon, but we have to be patient. Only takes one hot July day and we will wish for cold weather. Until then, plan and dream about that garden or those flowers you are planning to start in your flower beds. Before you know it, we will be feeling like we are living again!
* ALERT! * I have a select small group who wants to have candles burned for their financial desires. If you would want to join them, e-mail me at tarotbyjacqueline (at) yahoo (dot) com and I can invoice you. 30 days of candle burning and daily inspirational e-mails, please extras. Donation is $40.00 and can be sent by invitation invoice only.
* Tarot by Jacqueline News *
Mercury Retrograde (our 1st of 3 this year) begins on Tuesday, March 5th (and that is Mardi Gras Tuesday as well!) Lent begins this Wednesday, March 6th. Mercury Retrogrades in the sign of Pisces, the fish. When in Pisces, and this will be the time that your intuition is “off” and you might miss spiritual signals. With your “gut feeling”
out of whack, who can you trust? Pull back, go into yourself, and just plain hibernate if you need to in order to get through the next three weeks.
The first day of Spring is Wednesday, March 20th. This is the day that I make a burnt offering with all the petitions that I have been saving from past candle burns since Dec. 31st. I have a basketful of petitions that will mix with sage and copal and burn and the smoke will waft up to the Heavens.
* Free Candle Spells *
————————————————- and is a place to read about all things candles, rituals, herbs to use, oils to use, Moon cycles, and much, much more!
* Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply *
* CONTINUING – At this time, there may be delays because of severe Winter weather so please be patient. I go to the post office 6 days a week, but Postal Service airplanes might be stranded at the airport with snow storm issues. Use your tracking number to follow the timing of your package arrival.
hand side.
That’s it for now! May everyday be blessed for you.