Tarot by Jacqueline News
Fall is officially here and just about all of the country is experiencing Mother Nature in this
beautiful splash of color like the Phoenix bird in the flames of the fire. Autumn is my favorite time
of the year, with the cool nights, warm days, and crisp mornings, it gladdens me as well as saddens
me, because Winter is coming and I will be looking up that Internet article about Hygge (pronounced “HOO-gah”). Don’t’ get me wrong, Winter is great in bits and pieces for this Cali girl on the East Coast, but snow, snow, and of course, more snow is juuuust about all I can take. Thank GOODNESS that is not going to happen for a few months! Which brings me to…..
* SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! * – I’ll be traveling to California in October and you will be able to get your reading in person! Yes chile, I am coming H-O-M-E for a month and will be able to do some limited in-person readings during the month of October. These readings will be in Elk Grove. In fact, all of my readings will be on a one-by-one basis, as I need to book you in at unique times as my schedule will be ever-fluid and changing due to requests.
E-mail me at tarotbyjacqueline@yahoo.com
Text me at 916-294-5552
During October, you will need to text me or e-mail me in order to get a reading. I will be available
as much as I can, but I will have a busy schedule and we can discuss your times of availability when
you contact me.
E-mail me at tarotbyjacqueline@yahoo.com
Text me at 916-294-5552
Then in November, I will return to the East Coast and my schedule will be posted on the site with
the handy calendar for you to choose from.
* * * Moon Phases and Planetary Movements * * *
The New Moon of October occurs on the 28th in the astrological sign of Scorpio, the Scorpion. Just
two days later, Mercury goes into Retrograde in the sign of Scorpio as well, making this an eventful
time for those Scorpions out there. The Full Moon, also called the Corn Moon, will occur on October
13th in the sign of Aries, the Ram. Check your local listings on when this lunation occurs. This
Moon is called the Corn Moon by Early Native Americans as this was the time of the Moon to harvest
the corn in the fields, and is also called the Barley Moon as well, which needed to be harvested and
threshed for another staple of early American diets.
Remember that the next Mercury Retrograde occurs on October 31st (spooky!) and continues until
November 20th. Mercury will be in the astrological sign of Scorpio the Scorpion.
For those born under this Water sign, this Mercury Retrograde will cloud your emotions and you may find that others are complaining that you are not respecting their boundaries or you simply may be ignoring the values that they treasure. This cold-hearted approach to others’ boundaries will raise the drama bar and may result in certain plans backfiring for you. Clear out old and outdated emotional “baggage” and live in the moment regarding resources available and the people who provide them. Take a chill pill. Negative traits for Scorpio that will be triggered this cycle are
Destructiveness, vengefulness, being too willful, being unforgiving, inciting drama, being secretive.
Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply News
Lucky 13 Clover will be taking a bit of a break from Sept. 26th through November 8th. All orders
taken during that time will ship November 9th.
Free-Candle-Spells News
Free-Candle-Spells.com is now www.freecandlespells.com!
There is more than ten years of writings I have done on the behalf of candle spell work on
That is it for now. More soon!
Good Luck and God Bless,