4:36 am this morning my phone rings.
Since I have all the family programmed with distinct ringtones so I can recognize which child is calling, this one was a generic ringtone and therefore not an emergency.
(Slurred) “Are you a psychic?”
Me: “What?”
(More clearer) “I said, are you a psychic?”
Me: “Not at 4:30 I’m not and you are in California so you know exactly what time it is.”
Caller: “Oh, sorry.” Click.
The nerve of waking me up to ‘see’ if I was a psychic. Visions of black candles and dollbabies momentarily sneak in my thoughts.
This is one of the absolutely uncomfortable realities of a professional tarot reader, psychic or spiritual consultant.
This caller had to have gotten my contact number through the Internet, as I do not advertise in print newspapers, magazines or the telephone book. You have to be 21st century tech savvy to contact me. So, with this behind-the-scenes knowledge, why did they not see that I have posted hours of operation.
The people you seek out for consolation or candle spells are like your Doctor, Hairdresser or any other profession where time and appointments are honored. I have great relationships with professionals like my hair girl and doctor, but I am not a friend of theirs – I am a paid client who is seeking services.
Most professional readers have set business hours and a family or personal life. They are not “on call” or can drop their scheduled clients or family events to “squeeze you in”. It is unfair to ask them to work on days they have personal events going on or after hours. They do not have time to sit and chat or because you have purchased a candle, nor have they have become your personal cheerleader each and every move you make. Even more, it is unprofessional of you to ‘latch on’ to a tarot reader, root worker or spiritual consultant and use guilt or emotional ‘bondage’ to get them to open your e-mail and answer. I have one person who had one tarot card reading with me and thought I wanted a day-by-day recount of their daily adventures while I was on vacation. I would answer every 4th or 5th e-mail, and when they thought that was not enough, said I was uncaring and mean. No, I am on vacation and I wrote that in an e-mail to you. Being a pest makes you look bad and makes me not to want to work with you. Like the “No shoes, no shirt, no service” sign, I can refuse to not work with you.
Another personality that we workers dislike is the Obsessor. The Obsessor wants to know how their candle is doing, has their mojo bag been created, has the box shipped, etc. The Obsessor does not understand that I have 19 candles on the All Saints Altar and cannot squeeze one more on unless I singe the Virgin’s hand and torch my home. I get most candles lit within a day or so of your order, but please do not call or e-mail with a daily (and in one case) or hourly update. If you have that much time on your hands, find an enjoyable hobby. I had one person threaten me because I didn’t return their calls and e-mails within a couple of hours from their sending them. I refunded their money for the candle, as I just don’t need the drama, and I did not give her the results of her candle burn. Why? I refunded the money and when I do that, I am done. Period.
A personality that also causes concern is when they go from reader to reader in search of the ‘right’ answer. “Right” to you, that is. If you want someone to ‘parrot’ back to you what your suspicions are, then your girlfriend is far less cheaper, but she has inside knowledge of the situation and since you are a friend, you may or may not be getting the information you want to hear. Professional readers have no inside knowledge and therefore can give you honest and objective consultations that is best for you. I know you love Cletus, but if he has 9 kids by five women in the ‘hood, you better change your zip code because he has a mindset that he can procreate and not be a father to any of those kids and you are just going to become another ‘conquest’. Look for a man that can give you what you want and stop settling for less, heah?
Another problem for professional spiritual workers is the client that is given a ‘remedy’ – a set number of candles to burn or a task that has been revealed in their reading to do, and they don’t perform the ritual or do the task, then call and complain. In my readings, if Obi divination says to burn 5 yellow candles to Ochun, you had better do it. Another ‘catch’ with this is that sometimes when you don’t “do” what is prescribed, and you get another subsequent reading, Obi might divine that you need to do something more difficult or intense. I compare this to going to the Doctor, getting a prescription, then not getting it filled and taking the medicine, but having to go back and now you have a more serious condition.
One last client that gets under a professional tarot reader, psychic or spiritual workers skin is the one who pleads poverty. Do not expect that because we have these “gifts”, we should share them with the world. Just how do you think websites and cell phones gets paid for? The Saints and Orishas don’t kick me out a check. If you feel you need a session with a reader, budget your spending and schedule a reading. For me, onesies and twosies general questions sent through an e-mail are fine, but not two run-on paragraphs about your lover. That is trying to trap me into a reading by speculation and giving you advise for….free, right?
‘Nuff said! 😉 Thank you for reading.