WARNING! – The following rant might be too offesive for some. If you are of a sensitive nature, please bypass this blog post.
This Mercury Retrograde is hitting me had this time. I have decided that I am going to selectively read for people who do not exhibit “high drama” for the next two weeks. Apparently, I am saying all the wrong things when doing a reading. But, why are they wrong?
Part of the problem that I can see is an non-acceptance in what the cards say. I trust my Tarot and especially when I use Obi divination to “back up’ what the cards are saying, then I can guarantee that it will happen.
Wait a minute….don’t I MYSELF warn about those “100% Guarantees” that the gypsy psychcis give in their neon-drenched dens and in their classic dark haired Gitana advertising? Yes, it is.
The difference is this: My readings are not a method to extract large sums of money from you to ease your guilt in taking part in your own foibles. No, I am here in Service of Man to help you get through whatever is going on in your Life at this time.
Case in Point.
A woman has come to me because she has reunited with her childhood sweetheart, of whom she did not marry because of parental dislike. She was intimate with him, despite being married to an (assuming) “cold” man. The ‘lover’, consumed with guilt or fear of discovery, decides to a.) travel b.) change telephone numbers and c.) relocate to another part of the State. The woman was desperate. I offered her the opportunity to make a river offering to the Yoruba goddess Ochun (Oshun). She waited three weeks and gave me an affirmative that she would be willing to ‘lay her burdens down by the riverside’, and accept whatever Ochun decides for her fate of the relationship. We make the offering. I tell her we need to leave without looking back. It is a long held tradition that when you leave an offering – at the river, ocean, crossroads, train track – wherever – you do not look back when leaving or return to the location. So, what happens the next day? The lady returns the next day, seeing that the animals of the woods have eaten the oranges and cake and strewing about the candles and flowers and gnawing on the honey-covered photographs. She tells me that she did this when she returns two weeks later.
Her next reading tells to offer 5 Masses to be said for the woman’s intentions. I do not hear from her for another two weeks and I am assuming she does so as Obi tells her.
Then, the woman comes to me to tell me that the man contacted her, stating he cannot go on with a married woman. But now she has a greater burden in her life now – she has a life threatening condition of the throat. I now tell her that a.) she must accept what Ochun has decided – that the man in question is not for her and b.) she must not only attend to her health FIRST, and also because it is of a serious spiritual nature, she needs to see a Santero (prient in the Santeria tradition). There is nothing more I can do to help her on a spiritual level. She must now go to the Doctor and do everything – EVERYTHING the doctor tells her to do and to ease her spiritual self – consult a Santero.
Bottom Line – even before consulting a spiritual worker, psychic or tarot card reader, stop and ask yourself – Am I exhibiting self love, self worth and self knowledge before asking someone to help me see things clearly?