One evening this past week, I was sitting at the computer answering e-mails. The phone rang, and while I usually do not pick up the phone in the later hours of the evening, I did that night.
One the phone was a young woman who was inquiring about Intranquility Spells. I am assuming that she was considering purchasing one, and before I just conduct a sale, I try to get a “feel” for the reasoning behind such a request.
The woman was hesitant to explain herself, but revealed some of the details of the situation – bringing back a lost lover from six months ago – and with my probing, I wanted to get to the core of the reason for the Intranquility Spell. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Intranquil Spirit Candle Spell or Intranquility Spell, here is the basic scenario.
Imagine this situation. You and a love were together and happily making plans for a Future. Then, things go wrong and the lover leaves you – for another, for good – whatever. The Intranquil Spirit or Intranquility Candle Spell is for making the life of that One Who Has Done You Wrong miserable. The words of the spell go something like this:
“(Insert Name Hees), until you return to me and reclaim me as your love, you will not sleep peacefully, you will not enjoy food and nourishment, you will not have any peace. Until you right the wrong you have done, you will not have good luck, you will always be restless, wandering forever until you realize that I was the only and true love for you. Until you return to me, you will not be satisfied with any other lover, wandering from person to person, searching for love and yest not ever finding love like mine…etc.”
You can get the main idea of the spell and because the situation can vary from client to client, the words are inter changeable, making it more of a custom candle spell to return a lost love.
As the caller haltingly revealed the story with my questions, she was the one who played a trick on the fella, breaking up with one and dating another person aright under the lovers nose, for reasons unknown, but I suspect to make the lover commit to a more permanent relationship like marriage. In the mix was the caller’s mother, who wanted the caller to date a rich guy. I told the caller that her mother is waiting for grand babies and she wanted to marry her off.
The caller started crying and saying that all her friends get “what they want” and she couldn’t understand why she couldn’t get the same. I asked her why she broke up with the first guy (her lover) in the first place. Her answer; she had “expectations”. She then began to complain that she wanted to ask about the Intranquil Spirit spell and did not expect so many question. I told her that I could be cold and just sell her the kit, but I have a conscience that I have to justify at night before I go to bed and that it isn’t all about “the sale”. I told her that the Intranquility Candle Spell is not the best choice, since she was the one who initiated the break up, not him. I told her to call him up, ask that she meet him or spend some time on the telephone and tell him that she was sorry for doing what she did. I told her to ask for Forgiveness from him and that she had learned a valuable lesson about Worth and Treasure. This is not anything magical; it is a human experience. The caller said she could not do so, apologized for calling me, and said goodbye. I told her again, is isn’t about the sale with me, as I could sell her a candle kit for her love problems but it was that it was the ‘right’ spell kit to fit the situation. This time, her idea of an Intranquility Candle Spell on the guy would not have worked as she was the perpetrator of the “crime”.
“You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need”. Thank you Glimmer Twins.
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