Tarot by Jacqueline | Think About It – Evil
“Knock, Knock!” “Who’s there?” Remember this game? We would play for hours, trying to out-wit each other with names that would make us giggle and roar with laughter. Knock-Knock. If Evil came knocking at your door, could you recognize it? When a Catholic priest comes to your home to bless it, after the ritual he tells you that your home is protected from all evil, except the evil you bring in or invite into the house. The blessing of the Church can only keep out evil that you do...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | “Mama Said” – Destroying the Dog After They Got Into the Henhouse
The “Mama Said” series are a collection of quotes and sayings that I heard growing up, and now use in my own vocabulary in association to spiritual practices and ritual of today. Enjoy! – J. Mama said to me once when I had barely turned a young woman, “When the hound gets into the chicken house and kills a hen, you have to destroy the dog.” Wow! Pretty strong visions of the demise of the dog flashed through my mind. My mother grew up on a farm in Texas, so her early...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | Think About It – Airline Oxygen Masks
The most important thing to listen to and retain when getting ready to fly is when the flight attendant says “Place your mask on before lending assistance to others.” Why? Because you come first and cannot be of assistance to ANYONE if you place others before you. Think how this statement applies to your daily life. Do you reject making a purchase of an item that you need for work or the home to spend that money on something that is only a emotional ‘want’ of another, like those...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | Magic: Does It Work?
Magic: Does it Work? Countless times I have been asked if magical rituals and candle burning work. I have always been an advocate of doing something Spiritual in nature when in trouble or when a need is indicated in a reading or by other obvious means. The information I give in person as well as below is my own opinion and have evolved with experience. I speak as one who has practiced candle rituals and such and have been to recipient of blessings and outcome desired. There are many questions one may have regarding...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | Tips and Ideas to Attract Prosperity and Abundance
It is clear that the most sought after subjects of information using rituals and magical rituals and products is how to increase the flow of money, abundance and prosperity. Truth is that we all need money to live, so it is important that you consider many ways to keep it flowing into your life and the lives of your loved ones. Here are some magical tips and ideas to attract prosperity and abundance. 1. – Keep a Positive Mind – The way you view life will determine your success. Light candles at all times such as a Success...
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