Honest Intuitive Psychic Tarot Card Readings
To schdule an appointment, please call (916) 284 – 5552~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
read moreMore About Gypsy Psychic Scam Artists
Truly, if I haven’t told you enough in my articles and on the phone, here is a website that actually lists the “gypsy scam artists” or “psychic scam artists” in your state. Please go to:...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | The Meaning of 11:11:11
This is a nice article from Lynn Scheurell, someone of whom I receive informational e-mails from time to time. This can be shared with you with her permission. Enjoy! – J. Those of you following me for some time know that I like to get information from various esoteric tools, and share it in case you find it provocative and insightful. The object of my most recent attention is today’s date – November 11, 2009, or 11:11:11 (by adding 2 + 9 of 2009). This is the first time this master number has shown up in a date (in what I...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | Your Power Hour Birth Time Factor
Here is a great article that I found today regarding your birth time ‘power time’. In this article, from the www.californiapsychics.com website, you work well within the same time period if you were born in the morning or the nighttime. Read more about this phenomenon by clicking here: Birth Time...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | When is it Time for Spiritual Work or Reading?
One question I get often from people is in regards to the frequency of readings. One of my queries I ask when beginning a reading for a client is if they have ever had a tarot card reading and consultation or when was the last time they had a reading. My intentions are good; for the first time before the tarot deck, I want to give them a little historical and cultural background on what to expect at a reading. For those who have had a reading, I ask because if they just recently had a reading and perhaps a subsequent consultation on spell...
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