Tarot by Jacqueline | Reprint "How Much Does It Cost?"
Friends, This is a reprint from my very old website before I upgraded to the one I have now. It is part of a series of blog posts that I published a long time ago. Enjoy! – Jacqueline 01/28/07 “How Much Does It Cost?” I received a telephone call the other day from a female who was given my number by a respected candle shop owner in the area and one of the first concerns that she voiced was cost. Understanding that monetary concerns were probably a daily issue, I first asked her if she had access to the Internet so that she could...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline Blog | Free Candle Spells at www.free-candle-spells.com
Free Candle Spells is dedicated to the sharing of candle burning rituals and information from all cultures around the world. It is a group with a post every few days, so you will find fresh spells and you can also write in with your photos for questions and such on the candle spells you have done. For more information, go...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | Psychic Intuitive Readings – Sacramento, CA
Honest and Intuitive Tarot Card Readings from Jacqueline, a Spiritual Minister with the Universal Life Chruch, to help you with Life’s challenges. Tarot by Jacqueline is located in Elk Grove, CA, just a short distance from the capital city of Sacramento, California. For more on what Jacqueline can do for you, please go to her site at...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | Some Thoughts Regarding 1-800-Psychic Readings to Consider
I want to address readers who work for what is termed “Psychic Networks”. Newspapers, magazines and the Internet are the usual means of advertisement for telemarketing firms that offer readings of various types. Some are “sponsored” by the rich and famous, like Dionne Warwick, LaToya Jackson and Mother Love, who receive royalties for lending their images or “testimonials” to the advertising campaign. These stars are being paid royalties on their images from your pocketbook while you are getting that 1-800-psychicstuff...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | Favorite Food of the Zodiac Signs
Greetings All! Here is a great article from another website, www.spiritnow.com, about the favorite foods from each of the zodiac signs. Read more about yours and your loved ones favorite foods...
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