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Tarot by Jacqueline | New and Full Moons in 2016

Tarot by Jacqueline | New and Full Moons in 2016

Tradition has it that working with the phases of the Moon in either drawing or rejecting work has been a belief of many cultures for centuries. The idea of lighting candles for goodness to come like Attraction, Money Drawing, Success and Love candles during the New Moon is something that many candle burning adherents look forward to doings. Also, the idea of rejecting or ‘banishing’ negative things like enemies, bad habits, and...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Candle Magic is WORK!

Tarot by Jacqueline | Candle Magic is WORK!

  It is spirit of Human Nature for a person to look for solutions to contrary issues and uncomfortable problems in their life and seek out ways to gain more or achieve success in areas of their lives. We all want to be successful and loved. People want to feel as if they are controlling their lives in all aspects of financial, relationships and career. This takes decisive planning, timing and good ole’fashioned work, but not...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Signs of Negative Spiritual Spellwork, Jinx, or Curse

Tarot by Jacqueline | Signs of Negative Spiritual Spellwork, Jinx, or Curse

There are many signs of negative spiritual spellwork, jinx, or curse symptoms that people exhibit. Catastrophic events and marked changes in a person’s behavior are two of the many symptoms that are evident when someone has been placed under a spell or curse. Although there may also be changes occurring in the person’s environment as well, it is the demeanor and method of how they act and the manner in which they behave under...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Think About It – Evil

Tarot by Jacqueline | Think About It – Evil

          “Knock, Knock!” “Who’s there?” Remember this game? We would play for hours, trying to out-wit each other with names that would make us giggle and roar with laughter. Knock-Knock. If Evil came knocking at your door, could you recognize it? When a Catholic priest comes to your home to bless it, after the ritual he tells you that your home is protected from all evil, except the...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | “Mama Said” – Destroying the Dog After They Got Into the Henhouse

Tarot by Jacqueline | “Mama Said” – Destroying the Dog After They Got Into the Henhouse

        The “Mama Said” series are a collection of quotes and sayings that I heard growing up, and now use in my own vocabulary in association to spiritual practices and ritual of today. Enjoy! – J.   Mama said to me once when I had barely turned a young woman, “When the hound gets into the chicken house and kills a hen, you have to destroy the dog.” Wow! Pretty strong visions of...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Think About It – Airline Oxygen Masks

Tarot by Jacqueline | Think About It – Airline Oxygen Masks

          The most important thing to listen to and retain when getting ready to fly is when the flight attendant says “Place your mask on before lending assistance to others.” Why? Because you come first and cannot be of assistance to ANYONE if you place others before you. Think how this statement applies to your daily life. Do you reject making a purchase of an item that you need for work or the...

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