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Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply Co. | Sacramento, CA

Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply Co. | Sacramento, CA

                              Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply has a new website! Click on the blue words to check it...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Transparency in Psychic Work – A Commentary

Tarot by Jacqueline | Transparency in Psychic Work – A Commentary

Transparency. Who you are and what you do. The other day I was managing comments submitted on my other blog, and I got one that comes from a psychic that is subtle in her advertising for readings but my website filters all that and I get to view them before approving them or sending them to the trash. Curious, I open up a new tab and type the name-dot-com in the bar and sure enough it is a website for...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | The New Psychic Scam – Cleaning Up, So to Speak… A Commentary

Tarot by Jacqueline | The New Psychic Scam – Cleaning Up, So to Speak… A Commentary

The scam artists that are known as psychics who have those questionable advertisements and neon lit storefronts are getting wise to investigations and allegations of fraud.  This is not the first time I heard of it and someone came to me for a consultation and this is what she shared with me (names removed to protect client): “I’m suspecting (psychic name removed) the one at (store name removed) Mart in Sacramento who did my...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Is it Love or Something Else?

Tarot by Jacqueline | Is it Love or Something Else?

  Why is it that some people, when dealing with their love life, wait until the last minute to remedy it? The best analogy to imagine is like a homeowner waiting until the foreclosure notice is on the door and the sheriff is waiting outside to escort them and their belongings off the property instead of dealing with it when the first mortgage payment is late. Case in point. I received a call one day from woman who has a two year old...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Simple Rituals You Can Do to Attract Money and Prosperity – Pt. 1

Tarot by Jacqueline | Simple Rituals You Can Do to Attract Money and Prosperity – Pt. 1

There are many things we do each and everyday that are ritualistic in nature – like picking up a penny on the ground when we see it or throwing salt over our shoulder – that we take for granted or do without even thinking of it, simply because it is something ‘you just do’ or ‘because Mama did it’. This is a three part series about what you can do to enhance your money attraction powers so that you will...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Jason Russell – African Black Magic Possession or Not?

Tarot by Jacqueline | Jason Russell – African Black Magic Possession or Not?

  We have all heard about what happened to Jason Russell in San Diego. View and decide if this is a mental breakdown from exhaustion and dehydration like his wife says or a spiritual possession? In the video he is at the crossroads, talking about the Devil, clapping his hands, beating the sidewalk and touches his private parts. Is this a possession of an Elegua/Esu/Exu? Click here for

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