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Tarot by Jacqueline Newsletter | December 2018

Tarot by Jacqueline Newsletter | December 2018

Greetings! This will be the last newsletter for the Year 2018 and I am glad to see the end of this year on the horizon. It has been a challenging one for some of you and myself as well, and better things are coming in just a few weeks, so hang onto your hats as we welcome in 2019! I want to take a minute to thank you for working with me and walking this difficult year-plus-three-months with me. You have been exceptionally gracious and...

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The Hoodoo that YOU Do! – What’s in Your Wallet?

The Hoodoo that YOU Do! – What’s in Your Wallet?

    The theory of “like attracts like” is something that echos in everyday magic. It is something that also seems to run in Nature itself – as for every plant that ails you, there is one that heals you. The same with the use of color in life. Certain colors have a meaning and carries their own “warning signal” or vibration that will instinctively give the user the idea of for what it is intended....

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Think About It – Respecting One’s Time

Tarot by Jacqueline | Think About It – Respecting One’s Time

Dear Reader, Here is an e-mail I had to mail to someone who called and left me an interesting voicemail regarding their last booking and attempted reading, over a year ago. I hope this will illuminate those who have a misunderstanding regarding people who work at their own jobs for a living. Enjoy! – J. * * * * * Dear (Name Withheld), I had a chance to listen to your message you left me and I wanted to clarify a...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | For Whom the Candle Burns

Tarot by Jacqueline | For Whom the Candle Burns

The phone rings. A voice comes over the phone asking me about candles that I would recommend for a certain named spiritual condition. We talk back and forth, discussing what type of candle would be for what situation, and what oil to use. I give a little history about each candle and oil, as I have learned in my experience and in my time studying hoodoo. Then, it happens. The caller starts in with the back story of the reason they is...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | The Lore and Uses of Spiritual Waters

Tarot by Jacqueline | The Lore and Uses of Spiritual Waters

The realm of the name specific light colognes that are called “Spiritual Waters”, or in French “Eau Spirituelle” and in Spanish “Agua Espiritual”, are light distillations of essential oils and essences of botanicals traditionally known for enhancing spiritual properties, along with grain alcohol or the grade-specific alcohol that perfumers use. Many spiritual waters contain essences of rose, orange, bay...

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Tarot by Jacqueline Newsletter | August 2018

Tarot by Jacqueline Newsletter | August 2018

Roll out those lazy,  hazy, crazy days of summer! August is the time where we start to think about what we are going to accomplish by the end of the year. Those New Year resolutions are staring us in the face like a Mama that’s about to scold us – ‘ What have you been doing with your TIME, chile!’ We need to start planning for Fall, for Back to School, for college, for the upcoming Winter and it’s cold winds,...

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