2021 Mid-Year Prosperity Experiment Month-Long Candle Service begins July 10th!
The 2021 Mid-Year Prosperity Experiment Month Long Candle Service begins on July 10, 2021, in conjunction with the New Moon. This is a great time to focus on finances and goals for your future abundance and prosperity. What is the Prosperity Experiment? This ritual, developed years ago, creates an intensified group of people who have a desire to work intently on their financial outcomes for paying down debt, saving for a new venture or education, getting their finances together to make a large purchase of a home, car, or other item that needs...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | So the Feeling was What Me, Work?
There was once an individual who wanted a green money attraction candle burned for themselves. The candle was lit, and the final candle diagnosis was that things should be coming around and money should be flowing easier into the household. One afternoon, I receive a call from this person. Some time had passed – I would be fair to say maybe 4 months or so, and the individual imparted their personal feelings regarding the outcome of the candle. They said that they ‘hadn’t really see any significant...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | Because You’re Worth It
Memes. Ya gotta love ’em. While scrolling things that I copied off my Instagram in my saved photos, a meme stops me from scrolling. A man who wants you will snatch you the f*** up. Elusiveness is intentional and indecision is a decision. Accept it for what it is. Wow. I wish I could have written that, but I did not and I don’t know who the author is, but I thank you for your words of wisdom. Now before this blog post goes off into a forlorn love rant, which it looks like but I promise it...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | “Smilin’ Faces Sometimes Pretend to Be Your Friend”
“Smiling faces sometimes Pretend to be your friend Smiling faces show no traces Of the evil that lurks within (can you dig it?)” – “Smilin’ Faces” by the Undisputed Truth Who would have known that this song, recorded in 1971 would have a little hoodoo and conjure folklore in it? I have always love this song, with it’s suspicious string opening rising to a crescendo before the thump of funky scratching guitar signals you to settle down to listen and learn. This song, along with...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | The Stuff We’re Made Of – A Tribute to Mothers
This weekend is Mother’s Day. What began as one woman’s public expression of love for the woman that gave her life in 1905, it became an official national holiday in 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson made the second Sunday of May the official day to honor Mothers. There are traditions that go on during the coarse of that day. Corsages worn to church and to brunch, lunch or dinner speak a silent message of their own with the central rose being red or white it indicate if Mom is amongst the living...
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