Tarot by Jacqueline | Slow Blessings Don’t Mean No Blessings!
While working with my participants in the Prosperity Experiment Candle Service, a month-long candle service for those wanting to increase their abundance to apply and focus on certain financial issues, it is always a great boost to the energy of the group when a blessing comes through in the first week, or within the 30 days. People get all a-flutter when I post, ‘Someone in our group just had a $100.00 scratcher ticket’, or ‘Another participant just had their book go under consideration...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter September 2020 – Taking the Summer Off
Greetings! I took the summer off. I returned to my home here in Western Massachusetts June 21st and I had missed Spring. Prior to that I was at the summer house in Cape Cod, readying it for any renters this season. The violets that bloom in my sparse but grassy back lawn had faded and the day lilies were spent, ready to be deadheaded. Too late to get any real tomatoes from seedlings now. I’d have to go by the roadside stands on Rt. 20 if I thought I’d get a real tomato. I ate a whole...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | The Wait Is the Hardest Part
When doing spiritual work for a client, it is best practices to first have a consultation before starting any candles, constructing any love charm, or doing any graveyard or other location-driven rituals. This is because the worker needs to have full access to the information regarding the situation before said worker expounds their expertise on the issue at hand. I think it could be said that a great majority of clientele, however, wants immediate action and results of said work of the root worker or...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | Getting to Know Your Ancestors
When I wrote my Newsletter for May, as well as an accompanying blog post and yet another article for another newsletter for a group to which I belong, how would I have known that one’s ancestry and genealogical composition would take center stage in the World. I have seen various Persons of Color of all ethnicities (there is a difference) stand in unison in protest for the recent deaths of those in police custody. This is the correct and right thing to do. Dictionary.com describes a Person of Color as ‘A nonwhite person,...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | Mid-Year Prosperity Experiment Candle Service Begins July 1st!
I am happy to announce the return of all candle burning services and even more excited about the 2020 Mid-Year Prosperity Experiment Month Long Candle Vigil beginning July 1st! 2020 has been a year for all of us like we have never experienced. It was history making and changed many of us forever in a way that we will never see and feel things the same way ever again. One of the greatest financial comebacks is starting to emerge and getting your spiritual ‘rocket on the launchpad’ for abundance, prosperity, and...
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