Tarot by Jacqueline | March 2020 Newsletter – Life During Wartime!
Happy Spring! The newsletter for March comes at a time where we as all citizens of the World are being asked to stay indoors until this pandemic passes. Think of this as a time when the Jews needed to dab lamb’s blood on their door lintels as the Angel of Pestilence passed over. We need to hunker down and self-care. We will get over this and we all need to do our part to stop the spread of this virus. I am here to talk to in the event you need to talk and I have more about that below. In the meantime, consider researching the natural...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | February 2020 Newsletter – Here Comes Mercury!
Greetings! The newsletter for February did not come out earlier as I was rushing to get computer changes done before Mercury Retrograde on February 17th. Yes, again we are going to be having three weeks of communication issues as Mercury does the backstroke through first Aquarius and then Pisces. Read more about the effects of this Mercury Retrograde here: Free Candle Spells | First Mercury Retrograde Feb.17 – Mar. 10, 2020 – If It Quacks Like a Duck! * * * Tarot by Jacqueline News * * * Changes...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | January 2020 Newsletter – New Decade, New You!
Happy New Year 2020 and Happy New Decade of the 2020’s! I’m sure you might have never thought that we would get this far but WOW! What a decade that just passed! Now, I’m not going to wax prolific over the past decade, but shift my focus on what is coming up. These are so many bright ideas to capture and work on with this energy that we have no time to waste. Here are my suggestions on how to do this year right: 1.) Get a reading – Whether it is with me or with another talented...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | Embracing the Dark
“Hey, here is the story Forget about the troubles in life Don’t you know, it’s not easy When you gotta walk upon that line” – “What You Need” by INXS Today is December 20th and the fourth of five days where the daytime will be the shortest, with the actual shortest day of all will be on December 21st, a mere five days before the Christian celebration of Christmas. The Sun, if available at all, rises after we have showered and sipped our coffee, or maybe even while we are commuting to...
read more2020 Prosperity Experiment | Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020
$ $ $ 2020 bring in the Money! $ $ $ We will begin our first of two Prosperity Experiment month long candle services on Sunday, January 5th, to commence with the first New Moon of 2020. What is the Prosperity Experiment and what is it’s Purpose? The Prosperity Experiment originated in as a way for a small community of people to come together in a candlelight prayer service to focus on the financial goals that they had set for themselves and the energy of prayer and candle flame to spark and boost that desire into reality. What do...
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