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Tarot by Jacqueline | What a Difference A Year Makes…

Tarot by Jacqueline | What a Difference A Year Makes…

          “What a difference a day makes Twenty-four little hours Brought the sun and the flowers Where there used to be rain My yesterday was blue, dear Today I’m part of you, dear My lonely nights are through, dear Since you said you were mine” Dinah Washington – “What a Difference a Day Makes” 1959   Today is sunny and windy, nice considering a thunderstorm blew through...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Denial is a River in Egypt

Tarot by Jacqueline | Denial is a River in Egypt

    Oh Lord, I’ve SWUM in this river. Sometimes it was deep. Sometimes stanky and gross. Sometimes dark, but all times not a good place to Be. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The woman that has received a reading some time ago, texts me out of the blue. She has the opportunity to begin (yet again) her life over in a new place. We do a new reading. The cards indicate “GO girl!”, and the future looks pretty good. The one...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter May 2020 – Ancestors and Spirits

Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter May 2020 – Ancestors and Spirits

  May is the month to honor our Mothers and it will be an awkward one as not only we are social distancing to keep the COVID-19 spread to a minimum, but also most of our mothers are entering in or in the age groups that are most affected by the possibility of the most severe of consequences of catching the coronavirus – death. Most of my readers are over the age of 25, a great number of my clients are closer to my age (born in...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | When Your Ancestors Come a Callin’

Tarot by Jacqueline | When Your Ancestors Come a Callin’

        It is no coincidence that lately three cards are coming up in many, many clients’ readings – Iku, Oya-Yansa, and the Ancestros card. With the many tragedies that come with the pandemic we are in at this time, many of us will know of someone who has lost someone to coronavirus. It is even harder to imagine the suffering of the families who cannot say their final goodbyes and pay respects to family and...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Promises of Celebrations Cancelled

Tarot by Jacqueline | Promises of Celebrations Cancelled

    Yesterday, April 19th, was the feast day of Saint Expedite, Patron Saint of Procrastination. How fitting. Earlier in the year, I had posted a celebration altar ritual for him to be set on his day, but the scourge that is World is facing cancelled those plans. Now I can understand how little children, and teens graduating are feeling about the cancellation of their special day. Think of the weddings being cancelled. Life being...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter April 2020 – Staying the Course!

Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter April 2020 – Staying the Course!

          Happy Springtime! We are in the throes of the battle of our lives and yet we can have hope and optimism that if we follow the guidelines, we can diminish any threat to us and our families and loved ones. It was disheartening to see last month that beaches and parks were teeming with people not thinking about their health, but we must remember as Humans, we were given a Divine gift of Discernment, which...

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