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Tarot by Jacqueline | Denial is a River in Egypt

Tarot by Jacqueline | Denial is a River in Egypt

    Oh Lord, I’ve SWUM in this river. Sometimes it was deep. Sometimes stanky and gross. Sometimes dark, but all times not a good place to Be. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The woman that has received a reading some time ago, texts me out of the blue. She has the opportunity to begin (yet again) her life over in a new place. We do a new reading. The cards indicate “GO girl!”, and the future looks pretty good. The one...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | When You are the Scapegoat

Tarot by Jacqueline | When You are the Scapegoat

  You have been deemed the scapegoat in the situation. What do you do? What DID you do? This happens far more often than you think; when a group of individuals that you have professional, friendship, or family connections with, decide that everything that has happened is because of you. Despite that not necessarily being true. It just happened that you were chosen to be the “It” person. In my readings, the Five of Earth...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | When the Message Repeats Itself Over in a Reading

Tarot by Jacqueline | When the Message Repeats Itself Over in a Reading

From time to time, people like yourself get readings, whether with the Tarot or other divination systems, to gain clarity of sight and thought and to be given information that with aid you or explain the current or recent past and the situations that may have occurred. Many like to go to one specific reader, and sometimes others like to back one readers reading with another to ‘see if what they said was true’. Some readers may...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | How My Readings Work – Part 1

Tarot by Jacqueline | How My Readings Work – Part 1

              Layer One of a Three Card Spread – Identifying the Cause and Setting the Foundation for the Reading My first layer of cards for a reading for a client is in the form of a cross, three cards vertical, two cards out to each side, and four cards in the corners to “frame” the table. The ‘heart’ of the matter, the center card, identifies what the feelings are...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | When the Silence Holds the Truth

Tarot by Jacqueline | When the Silence Holds the Truth

Why? I recently got off the phone doing a reading for a client who gets a reading done once a year. Truthfully, I could have recorded the convo last year and replayed it back this year. This client, who is so beautiful and a goddess who has so much to offer, is throwing her life away for a situation that does not value her. Yes, in the beginning it was good. Hot. Juicy. She gave it her all. Then, the true nature revealed itself....

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Tarot Reading Case Studies | Spending Addictions Threatens Retirement

Tarot Reading Case Studies | Spending Addictions Threatens Retirement

This column is created to show the reader how the Tarot reveals its’ messages to the Client and the outcomes suggested in the reading. Enjoy! – J. The client was given a Tarot reading which indicated great fear in not having enough money for everyday living (Ten of Earth, reversed) and not having enough for a comfortable retirement (Three of Fire, reversed). The client revealed that they were in credit card debt well over...

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