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Tarot by Jacqueline | Magic: Does It Work?

Tarot by Jacqueline | Magic: Does It Work?

        Magic: Does it Work? Countless times I have been asked if magical rituals and candle burning work. I have always been an advocate of doing something Spiritual in nature when in trouble or when a need is indicated in a reading or by other obvious means. The information I give in person as well as below is my own opinion and have evolved with experience. I speak as one who has practiced candle rituals and such and...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Tips and Ideas to Attract Prosperity and Abundance

Tarot by Jacqueline | Tips and Ideas to Attract Prosperity and Abundance

  It is clear that the most sought after subjects of information using rituals and magical rituals and products is how to increase the flow of money, abundance and prosperity. Truth is that we all need money to live, so it is important that you consider many ways to keep it flowing into your life and the lives of your loved ones. Here are some magical tips and ideas to attract prosperity and abundance. 1. – Keep a Positive Mind...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Why Charge for a Reading?

Tarot by Jacqueline | Why Charge for a Reading?

I belong to a group where many who adhere to similar based magio-religious practices and do spiritual work in the community. Recently, when I was making a point regarding a possible opportunity, one of the other readers in the group make a slightly off comment regarding my reading prices in comparison to other’s in the group. I have never met this person personally, and have only the knowledge of this person through this group. This...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Negative Energy and Its Effects

Tarot by Jacqueline | Negative Energy and Its Effects

  Negative energy is all around us because collectively we are human and have emotions. Some have intensified energy to create ‘drama’ and jinx, curse or “cross” anyone they feel slighted them, hurt their feelings, or someone who they are jealous or envious of. I have enemies and you should not be so naive that you do not wither. To think you have no enemies is foolish as you always will have something better...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Rituals

Tarot by Jacqueline | Rituals

Ritual. What is it? We have rituals that we do everyday. Sometimes, without thinking or knowing what we do or why we do it. Making coffee. Kissing someone goodbye. Looking at our watch. Muttering off our list of “to-dos” under our breath. How about lighting candles on a birthday cake to wish on. A sultry scented candle for that big night with a lover. All of these are rituals in one way or another. There is an initial intention...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | A Snapshot in Time

Tarot by Jacqueline | A Snapshot in Time

  When I read for clients, I use three layers of cards. The first layer is information that you may need to know. I tell my clients that it may not be what their initial reason for calling. but like the commercial where the man goes to get in his car, see a note under his windshield wiper and opens it, and the note says “You are going to have a heart attack tomorrow”, the first layer reveals things that you might want to...

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