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The new Tarot by Jacqueline website!

The new Tarot by Jacqueline website!

This new year 2013 so far has been transformational for me with the new website design of Lucky 13, the online spiritual shop that I have and the other upcoming ideas I have in place for me. I cannot thank enough my web designing team for all the technical guidance on my ideas. If you would like to have team Graphicswerx look at your site or create a totally new one, send me an e-mail from the “Contact Me” tab on the...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Guarantees in Love and Life

Tarot by Jacqueline | Guarantees in Love and Life

There is no “Guarantees” in Magick, Readings or Spellwork. There is no “Guarantees” in Magick, Readings or Spellwork. There is no “Guarantees” in Magick, Readings or Spellwork.   There, I have said it to the Power of Three. I say this over and over, but I still get people asking me if it works. I answer “Yes”. Magick DOES WORK, but there are no “guarantees”. Am I confusing...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Lukumi/Santeria House Cleansing with Coconut

Tarot by Jacqueline | Lukumi/Santeria House Cleansing with Coconut

As people pass through your doorway, whether it is family members or not, negative energy comes with them and as a result, those collective energies, envies, hurts, pain and jealousies stay in your home. Why? Because you are the one who invited them in your home. People have many reasons for carrying negative energy around, either by choice or not, and wherever they visit, they leave some of that energy around. Here is a good way to...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Worthiness and Loving Relationships

Tarot by Jacqueline | Worthiness and Loving Relationships

Why is it that some people when dealing with their love life, wait until the last minute to remedy it? The best analogy is that they wait until the foreclosure notice is on the door and the sheriff is waiting outside to escort them and their belongings off the property instead of dealing with it when the first mortgage payment is late. Case in point. I received a call one day from woman who has a two year old child with a man and has been...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Rose of Jericho Resurrection Plant

Tarot by Jacqueline | Rose of Jericho Resurrection Plant

The Rose of Jericho, also known as the Resurrection plant, is found in most desert environments that is found in the Arabian/North Africa/Biblical Regions (Israel, Jordan) of the world. This remarkable plant, given the name ‘resurrection’ because of its unique ability to curl up and wither and then unfold and turn green again when exposed to water. Many cultures have placed Holy or Sacred associations with the plant because of...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | *Rant* Please Bear with Me – A Commentary

Tarot by Jacqueline | *Rant* Please Bear with Me – A Commentary

4:36 am this morning my phone rings. Since I have all the family programmed with distinct ringtones so I can recognize which child is calling, this one was a generic ringtone and therefore not an emergency. “Hello?” (Slurred) “Are you a psychic?” Me: “What?” (More clearer) “I said, are you a psychic?” Me: “Not at 4:30 I’m not and you are in California so you know exactly what time...

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