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Tarot by Jacqueline | “Mama Said” – Comparing Apples to Oranges

Tarot by Jacqueline | “Mama Said” – Comparing Apples to Oranges

            This entry came to me when I was reading another rootworker’s newsletter. Now, I am making a cofession here – I do read others’ blogposts and such. Why? Because occasionally I do refer clients to others who are more well versed in things than me. I will not claim to be the Wizard of Oz – the be all to end all. This is to keep me grounded and not let the Ego get too big...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter August 2022 – The “Dog Days of Summer”

Tarot  by Jacqueline | Newsletter August 2022 – The “Dog Days of Summer”

            August brings the end to the Dog Says of Summer. The majority of  the month of July and into the early part of August are considered the “Dog Days of Summer”. This quaint quote was created for people to describe the particularly hot and humind temperatures of the Northern Hemisphere that has its roots in ancient Greek and Roman cultures. Some may use the phrase “the dog days of...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter July 2022 – Oh Hey, Can You See?

Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter July 2022 – Oh Hey, Can You See?

            July is the month that we celebrate America’s birthday – July 4th, which was the day that is considered the day that the Constitution of the United States was signed, although some of the Statesmen and Founding Fathers whose signatures are on this sacred document were in different locations on July 4th. They added their signatures at a later date. July 4th was considered the date of...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Being the Honest & Insightful in Tarot Readings

Tarot by Jacqueline | Being the Honest & Insightful in Tarot Readings

            Probably one of the hardest things for a person to do in the life of spiritual work and readings is to be true to the intuitive messages and information that is being presented to you when with a Client (someone who comes to you for work or a reading,) That person has things going on in their lives that are unsettling and causes them to lose sleep or react to events in certain ways. These actions...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter June 2022 – “It’s Getting Hot in Here!”

Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter June 2022 – “It’s Getting Hot in Here!”

          The official first day of Summer is June 21st, but the heat in the West and Southwest is mirroring what it usually is in August. I am getting reacquainted with the California heat, which is much drier than the East Coast summers, as the humidity back East is enough to melt you at 90 degrees on the thermometer. There is also other types of “heat” that are flaring up that are indicative of...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Working Your Best Outcomes with Your Tarot Reading

Tarot by Jacqueline | Working Your Best Outcomes with Your Tarot Reading

            Something that I catch myself saying often in a reading with a Querent (the Client) is to consider the reading they are having on that day as a “Snapshot in Time”. The purpose of a reading or divination is to access information in order to make decisions that quell potential damaging issues and to enhance and promote positive outcomes. There is a time factor in play here however, since...

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