
November brings the final leaves off the trees and we are now sending leaves in waist-high heavy duty leaf bags made of brown paper to recycling every two weeks. It is chilly now and dawn comes right about 7 am, meaning half my morning is already shot. I am an early “birdy”, rising many times  at 4:30 am to crank out e-mails and write petitions for candles to be lit when the hands are moving up the face of the clock (6:31 am to 11:59 am). The birds, for the most part, have flown but the squirrel is still around, clamoring on the web of tree branches that make a canopy over my land.

November hosts three celebrations – All Saints Day, All Souls Day, and Thanksgiving. Given that I moved to the land that the Pilgrims and Puritans came to on the Mayflower, my heart is still a West Coast girl.  Believe it or not, the two intertwined words of Pilgrim and Puritans described two different groups of people in Early American history. Pilgrims are Puritans (also called Separatists) that left the Church and formed their own small congregations as a form of protest against the Church of England. They all wore the same tall hats and buckle shoes that we see in Thanksgiving cutouts on grade school bulletin boards. Thanksgiving this year will be decidedly different this year, as I will not be with the family because of COVID-19. The family is basking in 80 degrees Sun of Autumn as I received a few inches of snow the other day.

Change has been a constant in the year 2020. The Year of the Rat in the Chinese culture certainly had us rushing around like rats to capture some toilet paper and scurry back home, or celebrate a ‘score’ on hand sanitizer. We have seen change to our schools, work places, homes and lives foreseen in Chinese astrology. May this next year of the Ox be a better one for all of us.

With a sigh of relief and exhaustion from the very busy early Fall, I am now settling in for the colder weather and planning and scheming for the early New Year 2021. With the changing of the leaves, this season change has been a startling revelation – we as a community have been living under ever-changing extreme living conditions for the majority of the year 2020. I recently went back to reading some of the Feng Shui predictions and also the Reading of the Letra del Ano, a divination that occurs on the New Year for those who practice Lukumi, and the words contained within were much more startling than when first read in January. This pandemic was forecasted by these two and probably many more prediction systems. Interestingly enough, the Dell Horoscope magazine, a monthly must have on my Mother’s coffee table as  was growing up, decided to close shop, as it appears that there was not an Editor to continue the legacy. I miss that magazine, with its planetary calculations and astrological advice. I will seek out other publications that will assist me in notifying you of certain important planetary events.


Tarot of Jacqueline News


With the changes in life, come great new changes with me. I am making things ready for ZOOM webcam chat meeting readings on Wednesdays and Saturdays, for those of you who want to see the cards that are pulled for you. I am rearranging my office to provide a permanent area for these readings, and I hope you choose to enjoy a reading via webcam soon.

The hours for hour and 30 minute readings have changed once again, and should be permanent until Spring, as I settle in for the Winter. Please note that 30 minute readings now start on the half-hour, while hour long readings remain starting at the top of each hour offered.

Community Ancestor Altar – November 2, 2020

Many of you are not able to honor your Ancestors and other loved ones that have passed, and I have decided to begin a tradition of a day for you to have me light candles and set an offering altar for all of your (and mine as well) loved ones. Please go to the post, “Ancestors Altar Offering Candle Service – November 2, 2020” for more information and to order your candle now.


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That’s it for now! May everyday be blessed for you.


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