Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter May 2023 – Spring Brings New Beginnings!
Spring has finally arrived on the East Coast. Winters here are far different than my former West Coast locale, as Winter takes it’s sweet time, like gooey sap from a Maple tree; resisting leaving the tree to become maple syrup. Finally the Forsythia blooms, the birds come back, nagging me at daybreak to put out the feeders (we take them in at night because of raccoons). The leaves and the grass is a bright lime green and the grey, cloudy days are less and less. Spring also brings renewal and...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | When Love Turns to Obsession
“You know, u got it bad when you’re stuck in the house You don’t wanna have fun it’s all you think about U got it bad when you’re out with someone But you keep on thinkin’ ’bout somebody else U got it bad – “You Got It Bad” – Usher Obsession is described in the Mirriam Webster dictionary as compelling motivation or a persistant disturbing preoccupation with and often unreasonable idea or feeling. A person feeling obesessive will think,...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter January 2023 – Wisdom and Beauty!
Happy New Year! May this be the best year for you and your loved ones! The letter of the Year indicates that Obatala and Ochun (Oshun) rule the year this year. Wisdom and Beauty. Wise counsel and Prosperity. Longevity and Pleasurable blessings. What better aspects to work with this year. To become more wise and beautiful in heart and mind. Exactly what I am setting as goals. The newsletter will begin to look different then in the past. Each month I will give you a recipe for a ritual. It may be a bath or a...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | Important 2023 Dates for New & Full Moons, Eclipses and more!
Here are important dates for you for New and Full Moons, Eclipses, and Mercury Retrograde for 2023. Use these celestial movements to calculate the best times for candle rituals and other important decisions to be made in the coming year. JANUARY 2023 Full Moon – Jan. 6th 6:09 pm eastern Full Wolf Moon in Cancer New Moon – Jan. 21st 3:55 pm eastern in Capricorn MERCURY RETROGRADE (started December 29, 2022) Ends on January 18, 2023 FEBRUARY 2023 Full Moon – Feb. 5th 1:30 pm...
read moreTarot by Jacqueline | Calling Miss Cleo
“Koinkidinkys” (pronounced co-INKY-dinkies) is the word I use to describe coincidences – a term that Wikipedia calls ‘is a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances that have no apparent casual connection with one another’. The description goes futher to state that the perception of remarkable coincidences may lead to supernatural, occult, or paranormal claims, or it may lead to belief in fatalism, which is a doctrine that events will happen in the exact...
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