Tarot by Jacqueline | Vintage Spirits and Things That Go Bump in the Night

Posted by on Oct 24, 2022 in Think About It | Comments Off on Tarot by Jacqueline | Vintage Spirits and Things That Go Bump in the Night

Tarot by Jacqueline | Vintage Spirits and Things That Go Bump in the Night

            For many years the idea of going to secondhand stores and garage sales to gather gently reused items and clothing has been a trend, and vintage clothing shops are seeing the emergence in the popularity of bohemian and mid-modern fashion and furniture this past year.  For many, the idea of taking a phonograph console or some velvet tufted wing chairs that belong to someone’s Mom or Grandparents seems cool, especially when cleaned and refinished or repainted in groovy mandala patterns and paints....

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter October 2022 – Who Are You?

Posted by on Oct 16, 2022 in NEWSLETTER | Comments Off on Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter October 2022 – Who Are You?

Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter October 2022 – Who Are You?

              Fall always brings me to a time where I need to take stock in who I am. The fun of Summer is over, then patio furniture is stored in the garage, the last of the wildflowers, usually Black Eyed Susan, stand tall albeit a ‘little worse for wear and tear’ like Mick Jagger would sing. The nights are cooler and you instinctively know that it is time to become more serious about the upcoming end of the year and all that it details.  Fall is the time to reflect where we have been and what...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter September 2022 – Cleansing and Closure

Posted by on Sep 26, 2022 in NEWSLETTER | Comments Off on Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter September 2022 – Cleansing and Closure

Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter September 2022 – Cleansing and Closure

              Greetings! The Autumn season is in the air and the temperatures and leaves are beginning to fall as we prepare for Winter and the short days to come. Seasonally, this is the traditional time to remember our ancestors and our Loved Ones who have passed and despite it not being close to the two High Holy Days in November that marks this rite of passage for some, now is the time to prepare for it. Putting closure to Summer and cleansing ourselves in preparation for the Fall is ritualistic in...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | “Get Over It” and Ways To DO Exactly That

Posted by on Sep 8, 2022 in Commentaries | Comments Off on Tarot by Jacqueline | “Get Over It” and Ways To DO Exactly That

Tarot by Jacqueline | “Get Over It” and Ways To DO Exactly That

              * WARNING – This post may trigger various different feelings and is in no way directed to any one person(s) or group of people. It’s intention is a wake up notification. – J. * * * * * “Get over it Get over it All this whinin’ and cryin’ and pitchin’ a fit Get over it, get over it” – get Over It” – the Eagles   I came across a meme this morning. I cannot repeat it verbatim, but it was something like “Someone did you...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | “Mama Said” – Comparing Apples to Oranges

Posted by on Aug 16, 2022 in Mama Said Series | Comments Off on Tarot by Jacqueline | “Mama Said” – Comparing Apples to Oranges

Tarot by Jacqueline | “Mama Said” – Comparing Apples to Oranges

            This entry came to me when I was reading another rootworker’s newsletter. Now, I am making a cofession here – I do read others’ blogposts and such. Why? Because occasionally I do refer clients to others who are more well versed in things than me. I will not claim to be the Wizard of Oz – the be all to end all. This is to keep me grounded and not let the Ego get too big (imagine a helium mylar balloon here) as I write this. When your Ego gets too big or “puffy”,...

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