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Tarot by Jacqueline | The Benefits of a Telephone or Videochat Reading

Tarot by Jacqueline |  The Benefits of a Telephone or Videochat Reading

          As we continue to evolve into a worldwide community that is ever increasing our usage of digital devices, many believe that a psychic or tarot reading conducted over various devices of communication such as e-mail, telephone, or video chat is less effective or less accurate than an in person reading. Given that we currently are working within the realm of a pandemic nonetheless, this could be farther from...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Time for Change in Scheduling Rootwork

Tarot by Jacqueline | Time for Change in Scheduling Rootwork

  There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: Book of Ecclesiastes 3:1   The rock band The Byrds adapted this Biblical passage into the song “Turn, Turn, Turn”, and it was a popular song that was related to the message of peace and love of the Sixties. Many of you might remember or can ask your parents what was the feeling of young people during this time and you will get varied...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter November 2020 – Thankful for the Season

Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter November 2020 – Thankful for the Season

          Greetings! November brings the final leaves off the trees and we are now sending leaves in waist-high heavy duty leaf bags made of brown paper to recycling every two weeks. It is chilly now and dawn comes right about 7 am, meaning half my morning is already shot. I am an early “birdy”, rising many times  at 4:30 am to crank out e-mails and write petitions for candles to be lit when the hands...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter October 2020 – Honoring the Season and the Ancestors

Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter October 2020 – Honoring the Season and the Ancestors

          Greetings! Fall is officially here and just about all of the country is experiencing Mother Nature in this beautiful splash of color like the Phoenix bird in the flames of the fire. Autumn is my favorite time of the year, with the cool nights, warm days, and crisp mornings, it gladdens me as well as saddens me, because Winter is coming and I will be looking up that Internet article about Hygge (pronounced...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Slow Blessings Don’t Mean No Blessings!

Tarot by Jacqueline | Slow Blessings Don’t Mean No Blessings!

          While working with my participants in the Prosperity Experiment Candle Service, a month-long candle service for those wanting to increase their abundance to apply and focus on certain financial issues, it is always a great boost to the energy of the group when a blessing comes through in the first week, or within the 30 days. People get all a-flutter when I post, ‘Someone in our group just had a...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter September 2020 – Taking the Summer Off

Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter September 2020 – Taking the Summer Off

            Greetings! I took the summer off. I returned to my home here in Western Massachusetts June 21st and I had missed Spring. Prior to that I was at the summer house in Cape Cod, readying it for any renters this season. The violets that bloom in my sparse but grassy back lawn had faded and the day lilies were spent, ready to be deadheaded. Too late to get any real tomatoes from seedlings now. I’d...

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