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Tarot by Jacqueline | When the Message Repeats Itself Over in a Reading

Tarot by Jacqueline | When the Message Repeats Itself Over in a Reading

From time to time, people like yourself get readings, whether with the Tarot or other divination systems, to gain clarity of sight and thought and to be given information that with aid you or explain the current or recent past and the situations that may have occurred. Many like to go to one specific reader, and sometimes others like to back one readers reading with another to ‘see if what they said was true’. Some readers may...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Who’s Zooming Who?

Tarot by Jacqueline | Who’s Zooming Who?

In the past year and a half, the calls for correction in what some call ‘cultural appropriation’ have been echoed through blog posts and social media to the point that I have decided that I too, must speak my peace. It is in the spirit of fairness to all cultures that I have a viewpoint that I think is being overlooked and not considered when we look at the bigger picture of all of us accepting each other and what we bring to...

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Tarot by Jacqueline Newsletter | July 2019 – The Rockets Red Glare!

Tarot by Jacqueline Newsletter | July 2019 – The Rockets Red Glare!

  Greetings! And another one…..Mercury Retrograde that is! July 7th to August 2nd (thanks for sparing my birthday, Mercury…NOT!) This time, Mercury stations in the astrological sign of  Leo, so expect DRAMA! Ironically, some very interesting reports and interview will happen in Washington DC during this time. More drama, if you ask me. BREATHE and if need be, hid under the covers, if you can. It is only three...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Being Real with Your Clients

Tarot by Jacqueline | Being Real with Your Clients

          I am on various different social media sites and I am in certain groups within those sites. Occasionally, I come across posts from people in the groups that intrigue me, such as the one I came across this morning. In one of my ATR groups (ATR are letters that denote African Traditional Religions), group members were commenting on an animated meme face (my description) of a light-skinned black woman with...

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Tarot by Jacqueline Newsletter | May 2019 – Schedule Changes!

Tarot by Jacqueline Newsletter | May 2019 – Schedule Changes!

Tarot by Jacqueline News Scheduling Changes Spring into Summer signifies changes in the time that the Sun us setting and also in the reading schedule that is online for you. Please note that Wednesdays are now open for JUST-ABOUT-IMMEDIATE readings (within reason) and I will able to do just about an instant reading for you on-the-spot if you text me at 916 – 284 – 5552 on those days. Times will once again change on June...

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The Hoodoo that YOU Do! – Candle “Runs” – Are They Worth It?

The Hoodoo that YOU Do! – Candle “Runs” – Are They Worth It?

          The discussion for the use of multiple candles for a certain situation, known as a candle “run”, and the opposite has been one that the client seeking spiritual assistance comes across each time they consider using candle magic to change a situation. Certain divinatory systems used by some spiritual practitioners can actually tell you how many candles it will take for that situation to change...

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