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Tarot by Jacqueline | “Smilin’ Faces Sometimes Pretend to Be Your Friend”

Tarot by Jacqueline | “Smilin’ Faces Sometimes Pretend to Be Your Friend”

“Smiling faces sometimes Pretend to be your friend Smiling faces show no traces Of the evil that lurks within (can you dig it?)” – “Smilin’ Faces” by the Undisputed Truth Who would have known that this song, recorded in 1971 would have a little hoodoo and conjure folklore in it? I have always love this song, with it’s suspicious string opening rising to a crescendo before the thump...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | The Stuff We’re Made Of – A Tribute to Mothers

Tarot by Jacqueline | The Stuff We’re Made Of – A Tribute to Mothers

          This weekend is Mother’s Day. What began as one woman’s public expression of love for the woman that gave her life in 1905, it became an official national holiday in 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson made the second Sunday of May the official day to honor Mothers. There are traditions that go on during the coarse of that day. Corsages worn to church and to brunch, lunch or dinner speak a...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter May 2021 – New Daily Special and Reading Times for Late Spring and Summer!

Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter May 2021 – New Daily Special and Reading Times for Late Spring and Summer!

        Greetings! May brings warmer weather to the greater North American continent and we see signs of life in bloom everywhere. Many are planning events for the upcoming summer and I am hoping that all of you stay safe and well while you are awaiting your vaccine appointment. NEW READING CALENDAR POSTED! New times and dates! Daily Reading Special! Each day at 10 am Eastern/ 9 am Central/ 8 am Mountain/ 7 am...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Shifting Your Focus to the Object You Desire

Tarot by Jacqueline | Shifting Your Focus to the Object You Desire

          I know someone that wants a certain State Government job. It has almost become their obsession to get employed by this agency. They focus on the application and testing lists on the State agency religiously for this one job, as if no other position would do. Every year, they apply, take the test, score well, but within the same year that they tested, they do not get chosen for that interview. After one...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | When the Spirit says “No”

Tarot by Jacqueline | When the Spirit says “No”

          The majority of the year 2021 had been a curious one. Not only was I suspended in a phase of ambiguous activity, but the time I had been spending in the cocoon of my office had made my senses sharpen and my reading ability to become more acute. This heightened awareness has come with a price, however. More than before, my Guides and the Spirits that are with me are telling me “NO!” or...

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Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter April 2021 – Spring Brings New Things!

Tarot by Jacqueline | Newsletter April 2021 – Spring Brings New Things!

            Greetings! April begins the time that I take for myself and my family. I will not be doing candle services from now until mid-June as I will be traveling, teaching, learning, and more and will not be available for the blessing, lighting and monitoring of candle burning services. I will notify all of you whenever I return to resume these services. I will also be taking April 1 – 4 as a break...

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